Sledgehammer Games says it has an in-game update, new game modes, and potential weapon changes all in store in the future for Call of Duty: WWII.
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Replying to a post on Reddit that questioned Sledgehammer Games on what kinds of updates they planned for the game, Sledgehammer responded by saying that they’ve got an update similar to the Dec. 7 patch that should be out soon.
“We’re working towards a massive full integrate, similar to our game update on 12/7 LINK, that should hit in the next couple weeks and will include many of the changes requested in this Subreddit, and our social channels. We’re also working on the upcoming Resistance DLC1, adding new modes, and engagement events. Plus, a big in-game event that’s coming up. More details soon on that.”
In a separate post on the Call of Duty: WWII subreddit, Sledgehammer’s Michael Condrey discussed some potential balance changes they have planned for various weapons.
- It’s currently setup to be the second most damaging sniper (to the Springfield by a small margin), but also the quickest scoping time weapon in the class. We’re considering an ADS in time nerf.
- Did we go too far with the last fire rate nerf? Maybe. It’s a great weapon that we want to have as viable option with other ARs and SMGs. Might need to find a median between where it was, and where it is now.
- Some sentiment of it being OP is mostly coming because of the kill potential at closer ranges. The difficulty of the weapon lies in its recoil when shot rapidly down range, but you don’t really feel the recoil when firing at close range due to recoil effecting range fights, and more consistent aim assist at closer ranges. May need to adjust fire rate, pull up time, and/ or reload time.
- I love this weapon. And it’s such an iconic WWII assault rifle. It’s pretty versatile too. But it may need a slight buff to make it competitive with the BAR, Garand, and FG42 (if we buff as noted above), and viable against some of the most used SMGs.
Condrey stressed that the list wasn’t comprehensive nor was every change guaranteed, but it does give players some indication of what may come from Sledgehammer.