Cyberpunk 2077 Players Are In Love With New NPC

Cyberpunk 2077 players are blown away by one of the NPCs in the game.

Cyberpunk 2077 players have discovered a new NPC in the game and they are in love with her. It's unclear if the NPC was added with the 2.0 update or the Phantom Liberty expansion, but she wasn't in the base game. Further, she's insanely detailed for an NPC, at least on PC. How she looks on mid-range PCs or console is unclear, but on high-end PCs she looks like a prominent character, complete with a level of detail you don't see from NPCs in almost any other game, let alone an open-world game with a large number of NPCs. 

Who this NPC is, we don't know, but one of the top posts on the game's Reddit page right now is dedicated to her. Titled, "the most elegant and beautiful random NPC I've found in any game," it features three different screenshots of the character and shows off an impressive level of detail for any type of character, let alone an NPC that as far as we can tell is completely inconsequential. What's weird though is she looks noticeably more impressive than other NPCs in the game. 

To this end, one of the most popular comments on the post notes that said user thought it was a cosplay when they first scrolled by it. In fact, several comments echo this exact remark. 

The most elegant and beautiful random NPC I've found in any game
by u/nopalskucing in cyberpunkgame

To our understanding, NPCs are somewhat randomized but with handmade assets. This provides variety, but an attention to detail beyond complete procedural generation. This also explains why so many have never seen this NPC and why her level of detail is so impressive for an NPC.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available via PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X. For more coverage on the game and its new Phantom Liberty expansion, click here

"Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty and the free Update 2.0, have made me really like a game that I previously hated – something I suspect will happen to a lot of other people in the coming weeks," reads the opening of our review of the new Phantom Liberty expansion. "Phantom Liberty takes us back to Night City and places us back in the middle of Cyberpunk 2077's core story. V's Relic is still killing him and Johnny Silverhand is once again along to provide some fun color commentary. This time, however, you're not getting up to any criminal hijinks. A ship carrying the President of the New United States has been hacked and forced to crash land in Night City's slums, a district known as Dogtown. V is then contacted by a secret agent working with the President and is told to rescue her from the crash and keep her safe if V wants to live, all while Dogtown's warlord leader Kurt Hansen begins a manhunt for the President."