
Dead by Daylight Teaser Leaves Players With Big DLC Theories


Behaviour Interactive often teases new Dead by Daylight DLC Chapters and other interesting reveals ahead of time, but the studio’s latest teaser for the game has left players with even more questions and theories than normal. That’s because Dead by Daylight seems to be putting into works something that’s rarely been done before by interacting more directly with The Observer, a character largely restricted to the more lore-heavy parts of the game. These happenings have left players with theories about who โ€“ or what โ€“ the next Killer might be as well as the next Survivor.

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The Observer, for the uninitiated or those who don’t dabble in Dead by Daylight’s lore much, is a prisoner like other Survivors who are forced to compete in Trials, but he’s an exception to the normal rule. That’s because he uses an item called the “Auris” which is seen in the Archives along with the character and is intertwined with the Tomes added to the game periodically. More importantly than that, he’s been off-limits from the Entity until now.

The teaser above shared by the Dead by Daylight Twitter account shows what players who participated in the PTB tests had already seen. The Observer’s normal hangout spot is empty with the Auris left behind and the Observer’s chair toppled. This means that the Observer’s been found, and he no longer has his Auris to help him wherever he’s gone.

All of this appears to stem from the Observer getting contacted by the Entity in Tome 10, the most recent one featuring Saw’s Amanda Young. The trailer below showed the Billy mask from Saw talking to the Observer, but it was revealed towards the end to actually be the Entity. Another cinematic at the end of the Tome showed a much more direct encounter between the Observer and creatures that’d previously not disturbed him.

These events leading up to his disappearance has left players wondering: Is the Observer going to be the game’s next Survivor? Or, if he’s finally been caught by the Entity, could he even be the next Killer? There’s another lore character by the name of Haddie Kaur who’s been speculated by some to be the next Survivor, and if all this is leading up to the game’s next Anniversary Chapter, it would make sense that it’d be a much more meta DLC to bring the game’s lore full circle.

Nothing’s confirmed at this point, but Behaviour typically doesn’t wait too long between its teases, so we should see something more about the Observer and the anniversary plans for the game in the near future.