It’s been a few weeks since Motion Twin released its remarkable Metroidvania style adventure Dead Cells for consoles, but it’s already generating some big numbers. In fact, it’s performing even better on one particular platform than it is on the others.
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Per this report from Destructoid, a conversation with one of the marketing team members behind the hit indie game has confirmed that the Nintendo Switch version seems to be selling faster than all the others — even the PlayStation 4. In fact, with that particular comparison, the Switch is outperforming the PS4 edition on a 4-to-1 basis when it comes to sales.
Although specific numbers weren’t given, this further cements the idea that Nintendo Switch has become the go-to place for indie games. We’ve already seen a number of titles that have become hits on the platform, including Hollow Knight, which came out during the E3 Nintendo Direct special; as well as other favorites like Golf Story and Celeste. And we’re set to see a bunch more in the weeks ahead, including the ultimate port of Hyper Light Drifter, a long-time favorite on the scene.
But Destructoid noted that the number was staggering, considering that 76 million PlayStation 4 systems have been sold compared to just under 20 million Nintendo Switch systems. It speaks volumes in terms of the Switch’s outreach, not to mention the sheer convenience of being able to play all of its hit games on the go, as well as through the convenience of home paly.
This is even with some small problems with the Switch version in terms of frame rate, although Motion Twin is already hard at work on a patch that should be available any day now, set to remedy said problems. But don’t let that get in the way of enjoying the game. We recently reviewed it on the Switch platform and found it to be a dazzling feat, and easily one of this year’s finest achievements. And there’s more where that came from, as Motion Twin is no doubt cooking up something new for down the road. Wonder if it’ll be a big seller on the Switch as wellโฆ
Dead Cells is available now for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.