Dead Rising 4 saw a significantly dimmer reception than Capcom was hoping for. The title was decent, but did not live up to expectations concerning Frank West and what fans have come to know about the DR franchise. In an effort to turn the disappointment around, community manager Jeffery Simpson and the team at Capcom decided now was the time for action with direct input from the players themselves.
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Simpson and the crew have slowly been trickling in fan-requested changes since launch, including difficulty level adjustments. The enhancements have only just begun, as suggested by the “Fan Requested Improvements” video seen above from Capcom themselves.
A few of the improvements being made, all from many different requests from players all over the world, include Maniacs having more in-depth features, including individually tailored weapons to each enemy. There are also six new distress call missions being included; each seeing West rush to aid those that call to him for help. This does also include escort missions once the immediate danger has been settled. Not only will this add a little something extra to gameplay itself, but also offers new rewards for West to earn during the game’s progression.
The physics, as seen above, are also going through an overhaul: Zombie AI response, the “fine details” concerning mission progression, balance changes, controller relation, and more can all be seen in upcoming changes made to Dead Rising 4.
All of these changes are expected to hit the horror survival game on December 5th, alongside the game’s official launch on the PlayStation 4 platform. For a more in-depth look at the upcoming changes, you can see the full community notes here directly from Capcom.
Dead Rising 4 is currently available on Xbox One and PC.