
Destiny 2 Is Great, but I Can’t Stop Playing Windjammers

Destiny 2 is finally here. I’ve sunk my teeth in deep, and I’m loving it just as much as you are, […]

Destiny 2 is finally here. I’ve sunk my teeth in deep, and I’m loving it just as much as you are, I promise. The weird thing is that my playtime has been drastically sliced into by an old arcade game that launched in 1994. Ever since Windjammers made its way to PlayStation 4 and PS Vita, I haven’t been able to stop playing. Every time I boot up my PS4 it’s the only game on the ribbon that calls out to me, and every time I walk by my PlayStation Vita, I end up picking it up to play a few rounds.

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It’s near-perfect arcade action.

Windjammers is about as perfect as an arcade game can be. If you want to pick it up and play a single two-minute match, you can absolutely do that, and you can make that match as challenging as you want it to be. The AI is incredibly competent, and some would say too competent at higher levels. The PS Vita leaderboards for hard mode scores doesn’t even have a full top-10 yet!

This is tight, punchy, fast-paced action. It’s like the perfect video game version of catch. Have fun wildly slamming the Frisbee against walls, or push your reflexes to their limits by trying to trigger special throws and power throws every chance you get. Play as competitively or as casually as you like, and Windjammers is just as fun.

It’s also damn accessible.

Windjammers is immediately accessible, and it has pick up and play appeal for almost anyone. You don’t have to be a lifelong gamer to understand the mechanics, and it only uses three buttons. Anyone watching the game will understand what’s happening within seconds — it’s like air-hockey — and like air-hockey, anyone watching other people play will want to jump in and play as soon as they can.

I’m not sure if I’ve been as addicted to a competitive game since the days of the original Super Smash Bros. “One more round” will become the collective mantra when you have friends over to play, because every round is fast, furious, and always over just a little too soon. If you’re losing terribly, it can all be over in a matter of minutes, which means winners and losers are liable to sink into an endless spiral of rematches. I got a literal blister on my thumb for the first time since I was a kid, and I for many of you that’s pretty much the highest praise a modern game might warrant.

If you slept on this one, forgot about it, didn’t know about, erroneously assumed you wouldn’t be into it… Go pick it up right now. It’s cross-buy on PS4 and Vita, so you get both versions for $15. You may have just found your go-to multiplayer fix for the fall.