DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods DLC Announced

The first part of DOOM Eternal’s planned campaign DLC was revealed this week with the unveiling [...]

The first part of DOOM Eternal's planned campaign DLC was revealed this week with the unveiling of a teaser for DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods, Part One. Bethesda showed off a preview of the DLC during its QuakeCon event that's now being held as an online-only occasion like most other events are as of late. All we saw of the DOOM Eternal DLC this time was a teaser that lasted just over 30 seconds, but Bethesda said we'd see more on the DLC when its full reveal takes place on August 27th during the opening night of this year's Gamescom event.

Bethesda's teaser below shows us our first glimpse of DOOM Eternal's DLC. We don't have a release date yet for the content, but we at least know when we'll be able to learn more about it.

It was confirmed back in June 2019 that DOOM Eternal would get two instances of DLC to expand on the game's main story. The brief narration of the scenes from the DLC's first teaser trailer gives us an idea of what to expect, but the reveal later this month will hopefully piece some more details together. Part Two of the Ancient Gods DLC should round out the two-part commitment to extra DOOM Eternal content whenever it's released.

A preview of the DLC given when the Year One Pass was announced promised fights against new demons across realms unseen.

"Wage war across never-before-seen realms of the DOOM Universe, fight against new demons, and wield new abilities in your never-ending battle against the forces of evil," an overview of the planned DLC said.

Bethesda's QuakeCon event is still going on throughout the weekend, so we'll see more on its properties like DOOM Eternal, Fallout 76, and other games. A schedule's been set up to show what's coming for those who plan to watch it from home.

As for Gamescom where we'll see more on the DOOM Eternal DLC, that event will also be held in an online format instead of the traditional way that it's usually conducted. Gamescom organizers announced their decision to cancel the event well ahead of when it was supposed to take place in August and said there'd be a digital event to take the place of the normal one. Regardless of where or how it's taking place, few've already seen big announcements and reveals like this one for the DOOM Eternal DLC teased for the event.