If you’re an Elden Ring player who’s tired of getting grabbed and one-shotted by bosses twice your size, you’re in luck. There’s an Incantation in the game called Inescapable Frenzy that’ll allow you, too, to do the grabbing and the one-shotting, at least if it’s used against the right enemies. It’s a difficult ability to obtain and can be even more challenging to pull off, but once you get it and use it successfully, it’s one of the most satisfying spells you can utilize in Elden Ring.
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Like many things in the game, however, its uses and benefits are not immediately clear just from reading its description, and things don’t even become much clearer after using it the first time or two. It doesn’t help that it’s stuck within an area that’s one of the game’s most challenging ones to navigate either.
If you’re not deterred by any of that and still want the power to delete your invaders and select PvE enemies from the game, we’ll walk you through the process of finding Inescapable Frenzy.
Before You Look for Inescapable Frenzy
Because Inescapable Frenzy is so difficult to find, there are a few caveats to it you should know about first to make sure it’s worth your time. It can only be used on Tarnished enemies which include humanlike foes the same size as the player. That narrows its use cases down considerably, but it can still be used on PvP opponents, NPC invaders, and some bosses who double as Tarnished characters.
As an Incantation, it’s best suited for Faith-focused characters and requires a minimum level of 21 Faith to use. Thankfully, even that modest Faith allocation will allow you to one-shot people.
Second-guessing whether it’s worth it? Check out the video below from Vergil on YouTube to see the Incantation in action. That’s an NPC invader it’s being used on which has way more health than any other real player you’ll go up against, and it does 4,539 damage instantly.
Finding Inescapable Frenzy
I’ve yet to find a step-by-step guide for Inescapable Frenzy that helped me find the Incantation, so I’ve broken it down step by step below. For a starting point, we’re going to begin at the Underground Roadside Site of Grace within the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds, a labyrinth of tunnels underneath Leyndell, Royal Capital. If you’ve already made it past that safe space and have made it all the way to the Forsaken Depths Site of Grace, you can skip ahead below.
- Start at the Underground Roadside Site of Grace located in Lyndell Royal Capital
- Exit the room, take a left, and head straight until you see a hole in the grate. Drop down.
- Dodging the rats, enter the second pipe on the right.
- Follow the pipe as straight as you can without turning or falling in holes until you must turn left further into the pipe or right through an iron doorframe. Take the right and continue straight once more.
- You should then find yourself in a room with an Omen enemy who does a flip in front of a ladder. Climb the ladder and open the door in front of you.
- Drop down to your left and descend the spiraling staircase. Head right through the archway and the hallway with the zombie-like enemies.
- Descend the short staircase to your left, do a 180, and head through the archway. Use the image below as a checkpoint to make sure you’re in the right place.
- After entering the mandatory pipe, take the first right. Head straight past the first death-spewing Basilisk and take the right immediately before the second one you see. You should end up in another open room with a sword-bearing Omen and a ladder in the far-right corner.
- Ascend the ladder, open the door, and you’ll find yourself at the Site of Grace you started at. Rest up and restock, then do a 180 and head back through the door you just opened.
- This area should look familiar as it’s filled with Imps above and sewer pipes, but the area you’re in now was previously inaccessible. Ascend the inclined pipe to your right and follow it until you run into a wall. Drop to the left and head through the archway. You should see an Imp standing with its back to you to let you know you’re in the right spot.
- Jump in the pipe in front of you with a hole on the top. Head straight until you move past a big rat, take a left, and do a 180. An enemy will try to backstab you once you drop, so try not to let that happen.
- Head straight until you descend a ladder and end up in a room with some Living Jars. Step into the big cage on the right to head further down. You’ll find yourself at the Forsaken Depths Site of Grace with a boss fight immediately afterwards.
From the Forsaken Depths Site of Grace…
We won’t spoil this boss for you, but it probably won’t be too much of a hassle if you’ve been handling the other bosses in Elden Ring well enough up until this point. Once you’ve cleared out that big baddie, you’re in the home stretch.
- After beating the boss, smack the alter behind the chest to open a secret passageway.
- Here, you’ll find a deep chasm that requires you to do some platforming while you descend carefully. There’s no real trick to this part โ just be safe and jump and roll from rafters to stone protrusions until you’re near the bottom.
- Once you can just see the ground, you’ll notice one of the final stone ledges has a corpse hanging on it. There will most likely be messages like the ones below pointing you in the right direction. That corpse contains an item with a faint blue glow similar to the one important items like Rune Arcs emit. Congrats, you’ve found Inescapable Frenzy!
How to Use Inescapable Frenzy
After acquiring Inescapable Frenzy, you may try and use it on a Tarnished enemy be it an NPC or another player only to find it deals basically no damage. It builds up Madness, sure, but nothing like the damage in the video above. What gives?
For whatever reason, Inescapable Frenzy’s damage scales off of the power of the weapon wielded in your right hand. That means that if you’re someone who puts your Sacred Seal in the second slot of your right hand, you’ll have to either swap the Sacred Seal to the left or put a second one in your left-hand slot.
While this may take some getting used to, the good news is that you don’t even need a powerful Sacred Seal to use the Incantation so long as your right-hand weapon has a decent damage stat. If you have the Faith required to use the spell, you’ll one-shot pretty much any Tarnished enemy.
Tips for PvP
Inescapable Frenzy is a powerful and satisfying PvP Incantation, but it’s tricky to pull off due to the delay on the grab. It’s still quite possible, however, and if you grab your foe successfully, you win the fight.
One tactic for Inescapable Frenzy is to try and catch people at the end of their rolls. We’ve seen already from Elden Ring exploits that players become very wary of PvP opponents who simply run towards them and will often panic roll away. Inescapable Frenzy has decent tracking, so unless the enemy rolls directly backwards, you can catch them if this move’s timed correctly.
Another option is to invest in some Poise. While Elden Ring’s meta currently favors Dexterity and Intelligence builds, having any degree of poise and enough protection to tank at least one hit can set you up for a very favorable counterattack. If you see someone preparing a dash attack or a weapon skill that would put them in front of you, buffer Inescapable Frenzy to catch them at the right moment.