This Fallout 4 Mod Lets You Worship Todd Howard

Ah, Todd Howard. The Bethesda guru that has given us Skyrim time and time again, the man behind [...]

Ah, Todd Howard. The Bethesda guru that has given us Skyrim time and time again, the man behind the legend. The man we all trust. Now for those that want to take that step of devotion even further, this time in the Wasteland of Fallout 4, there's a mod to let you do just that. Press F to pay respects, because General Todd Howard has arrived.

The mod itself brings new statues into the game of "General Todd Howard, hero of the battle of Bethesda Hill." It also adds a few other key features, including hilarious religious texts and other jokes regarding the infamous Howard:


According to the official Nexus Mods page for the mod itself, "General Todd Howard, hero of the battle of Bethesda Hill, was one of the bravest men in US history. So brave, in fact, that he was immortalized forever as a bronze statue, for people to look up to and follow the example.

This mod enables to craft in your settlements such masterpieces. There is a standard version and also a version that glows in the fuckin' dark."

They added, "OPTIONAL: Discoverable Statues version replaces the Minutemen statue in front of the Red Rocket settlement, and also adds a new giant mysterious statue near Sentinel Site in the Glowing Sea with some Children Of Atom worshipping it, and some cool loot. Praise Godd."

There is even a craftable baseball bat called "The Chess Clubber" that can be made after stumbling upon one near one of these esteemed statues.

It's hilarious, it's perfect, and it perfectly sums up pretty much the entire Bethesda fanbase all in one. But Howard is hilarious and he's phenomenal with rolling with the jokes - so we know he'll get a kick out of this. Just look at how he outmemed us all during their Bethesda E3 showcase this year? He's a master of the memes, you can't out Howard the Howard. It's just not done.

You can download the mod yourself right here at your own risk. We won't be held responsible for any worshipping that may take away from your game experience.

Like modding and all things RPG? Feel free to follow the author of this story over on her Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy.