'Fallout 76' Nukes Are Fun, Real Nukes Aren't Warns Nuclear Experts

In today's 'Duh moment,' we've got nuclear scientists here to tell us that no, Nukes aren't [...]

In today's "Duh moment," we've got nuclear scientists here to tell us that no, Nukes aren't actually fun despite them being a blast (puns) in Fallout 76.

Apparently nuclear weaponry experts aren't too thrilled with all of the hype surrounding the Fallout franchise, despite the franchise itself being nothing new. "ICBMs are not fun. Or funny," said Tom Nichols to Motherboard. Nichols currently works as a professor at the US Navy War College and is a bit of an expert on this subject. He even authored a book called No Use: Nuclear Weapons and US National Security, so you know he's not messing around.

We learned a lot about the upcoming online title from Bethesda, Fallout 76, earlier this month when we got to hang out with the devs for a Fallout-inspired celebration, and many of our burning questions have finally been answered. We learned about the Nukes and how they aren't necessarily the end-all-be-all that many players may be imagining.

As we mentioned in our previous coverage about how nukes work in the game, "When Bethesda first revealed the ability to nuke other players in the world of Fallout 76, many that were already hesitant about the new online direction were worried that this feature would absolutely destroy the ability to enjoy the game. Luckily, it's not as definitive as we may have thought."

We also learned that players can also fast-travel away from a nuke, which is something I had to do with my hands-on time with the title alongside my team. Luckily, you can always fast-travel - for free - to your C.A.M.P as well as the vault itself or any of your team. To evade a nuke is actually pretty easy as long as you aren't already in combat, and you get a nice 3 minute heads up before it drops.

But don't think that Fallout 76 will be makin' it rain with nuke codes. Nukes aren't just lying around, players must first unlock the codes in order to gain this feature. The only way to do that is by completing the main questline. After the feature itself is unlocked, players can find nuke codes hidden around the map, but they will be difficult to find, and not as accessible as people fear.

So yes, nukes in-game = fun, nukes IRL = not fun. The more you know, right?

We've got tons of Fallout 76 coverage pouring in! To stay up to date on the latest news, check out our full community hub right here to stay in the know 24/7! As for the game itself, the next entry into the Fallout series debuts on November 14th on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.