Final Fantasy 7 Invades Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Right now, Final Fantasy VII Remake and Animal Crossing: New Horizons just might be the biggest [...]

Right now, Final Fantasy VII Remake and Animal Crossing: New Horizons just might be the biggest games in the world. The two titles have kept a lot of gamers busy over the last few weeks, and both have inspired a plethora of memes and art on social media. As such, it should come as little surprise to see the two mashed-up, and that's exactly what @CatWithMonocle did in a video on Twitter. In the video, a villager takes on one of the most dreaded creatures to appear in New Horizons: the dreaded tarantula! Considering how much trouble those arachnids have caused for Animal Crossing players, it certainly makes sense!

Of course, this particular mash-up is based more on the original version of Final Fantasy VII, as opposed to the Remake. It also features music from Final Fantasy V, as well. In the video, fans can hear music and sound effects from those franchise entries, as a villager slowly approaches the tarantula with his net. Once his foe is ensnared, the familiar victory music from Final Fantasy VII begins to play.

It really is amazing to see the level of creativity that fans of Final Fantasy and Animal Crossing have displayed, over the last few weeks. Given the massive popularity of both games, it's not all that surprising, but it does show the level of passion that fans of these franchises have.

While gamers still debate with one another over their preferred consoles, @CatWithMonocle's video really is a testament to the deep bonds that connect gamers together. Final Fantasy VII Remake is a timed PlayStation 4 exclusive, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons is only available on Nintendo Switch. Despite the fact that the two games are exclusive to different platforms, the fan bases can still connect in fun and strange ways through mash-ups such as these. This is further evidenced by the number of Final Fantasy-inspired Animal Crossing clothing designs that can be found across the internet. Gamers certainly find unique ways of showcasing their passions!

Have you been playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons or Final Fantasy VII Remake? Have the games lived up to your expectations? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!