'Fortnite' Is Adding Balloons

Today, Epic Games revealed that a brand-new item is coming to the game: balloons.The news come way [...]

(Photo: FortniteNews)

Today, Epic Games revealed that a brand-new item is coming to the game: balloons.

The news come way of the game's in-game MOTD, which just updated, and which comes with the following blurb about the item:

"Inflate balloons to defy gravity! Add balloons to increase your altitude!"

From the sounds of it, balloons will allow players to float up, and that the more balloons you add, the higher you'll rise. While this sounds like a gimmick on the surface, it could actually provide for some interesting gameplay mechanics.

For one, rather than assault another player's fortress by building a ramp, just float up there. It's an item high-level players are unlikely to use, but it could be useful for more casual players, especially in end-game circumstances.

At the moment, it's unclear whether or not the balloons are indestructible. If they aren't, then it seems like they won't be very useful if it only takes a shot for each to shoot the player down to their death.

Further, things like rising speed, how many you can use, and how high they will take you are all unclear right now, but we should know soon, as they will be arriving with the game's next update.

Whether they will meaningfully add to the game's meta who knows, but they have just arrived in time for Halloween. Paired with the relatively new clown outfits, they could provide for some terrifying and hilarious high jinks. After all, is there anything more scary than seeing a clown holding balloons in the distance and in the middle of Fatal Fields? There is, but not in Fortnite (other than a Rust Lord building your way).

In other words, be prepared for clowns with balloons to take over the game soon.

Fortnite is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices. For more on the battle-royale game, be sure to peep all of our previous coverage of it by clicking here.

And as always, feel free to hit the comments section, and let us know what you think. Is this a good addition to the game?