Friday The 13th: The Game Can't Escape Xbox Woes At Comic Con

For Xbox One players who are trying to get some matches in on Friday the 13th: The Game, many were [...]

(Photo: Gun Media)

For Xbox One players who are trying to get some matches in on Friday the 13th: The Game, many were less than pleased with hearing that members of the game's team would be setting up during this weekend's San Diego Comic Con to visit with fans and convention attendees. Even at Comic Con, posts made through the game's Twitter page couldn't be freed of questions about the Xbox One patch that players are still waiting on.

The source of the frustration stemmed from the feeling that while players were waiting on a Xbox One patch that would make the game fully playable on the console months after the game's initial release, the game's devs were visiting Comic Con. If you stop and consider the multiple jobs that people within the company have, it seems ridiculous to think that their presence at Comic Con meant the Xbox One patch was being postponed – they already confirmed that the employees attending the convention weren't the ones to fix the game, so progress is still being made on the patch – but that didn't stop Twitter users from peppering the game's tweets with questions about the patch.

The first tweet about being present at the event set the tone for following replies. Some argued that it was on the way and that there'd be no point in asking about it, but disgruntled Xbox One users responded by saying that it's far past time for the Xbox One update to be out that would bring the game up to speed with the other system versions.

Even cosplay photos of convention goers dressed as Jason weren't off-limits when it came to responses. It was only a matter of time before the gifs started flowing, and it started pretty quickly.

With how many questions they got online about the game, there's no telling how many questions were asked in-person.

But while the main Friday the 13th: The Game Twitter page was detailing the events of Comic Con, the game's Twitter account geared towards player support was responding to some of the jabbing tweets. Though some have criticized the responses in the past as being canned answers that sometimes differ between the official accounts, they were still responding to users' questions about the Xbox One.

"We're so sorry for the delay and frustration," one of the responses read. "Thank you for bearing with us!"

With Comic Con coming to a close and a new week beginning, more responses will likely start picking up again, so Friday the 13th: The Game players are hopefully closer to receiving more news about the Xbox One version.