GTA Online Update Changes One of the Game's Most Profitable Missions

The latest GTA Online update has a big change for the money-making Payphone Hits.

For most players, GTA Online is all about finding ways to make money to fuel your next wild scheme or ridiculous purchase. After all, some of the things you can buy cost an exorbitant amount of money. Because of that, there are a few missions that players tend to gravitate toward because they give out more money for the time it takes to complete them. One of the most popular GTA Online missions for this is the Payphone Hits because you can grab a nice Assassination Bonus alongside the mission. However, developer Rockstar Games has made a big change that's going to impact anyone using the mission. Fortunately, the change is, for the most part, a positive one.

GTA Online Payphone Hit Change

In the latest GTA Online update, Rockstar announced all of the new changes coming to the online mode. When it comes to the Payphone Hits, the update post says, "As part of our continuing efforts to balance and adjust GTA Online, payouts for Assassination Bonuses in Payphone Hits have been reduced, and the cooldowns between hits have also been reduced to 10 minutes."

As you can expect, many assumed this change would mean that the payout would drop off. However, as you can see in the tweet above, the actual money made totals up to $45,000 every ten minutes. Previously, you were able to make about $85,000 every 48 minutes. Because you can now do a Payphone Hit every 10 minutes, you can make up to $185,000 in that same span. 

Of course, to do that you'll need to constantly churn through Payphone Hits. Previously, players would fit them in between other missions to keep from burning out on them. If you're trying to play that way, you'll likely end up making less than you did before, but if you're able to run through several Payphone Hits in a row, your payout will be much higher. That makes it tough to say if this will be a positive change for the entire community, but it's hard to deny that your ability to rush through these missions to make a ton of cash has certainly improved.

GTA 6 Release Date

These days, it's impossible to talk about anything related to Grand Theft Auto and not mention GTA 6. Rockstar has only revealed the teaser trailer, which means we don't know exactly how its next game will interact with GTA Online, but there's no way the developer will leave behind one of the biggest cash cows in video games. Fortunately, we might not have to wait too much longer to see what's happening on that front.

Currently, GTA 6 is scheduled to release in 2025 on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. That likely means we'll start to hear more about the game and how it intertwines with GTA Online sometime this year. Hopefully, we'll also hear about a potential PC port as the team hasn't announced the game for that platform just yet. Either way, it's about to be a very exciting time for GTA fans.
