CD Projekt Red’s Gwent: The Witcher Card Game is coming to mobile devices, the company announced in a new trailer released on Thursday. It’ll be released for iOS devices including the iPhone and iPad on October 29th as a free-to-play game that’s already available now to pre-order. Those already familiar with the card game can expect a similar experience on Gwent’s new platform with a new interface designed for the mobile devices.
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While many people might know the card game from The Witcher 3, the most popular game in CD Projekt’s The Witcher series which let players put Geralt into card games, Gwent: The Witcher Card Game is a standalone game as well. It’s this version of the game that’ll release on iOS devices in October.
For those who have already started on the PC version of the game, you’ll be able to continue playing on the mobile version without worrying about losing any of your progress. Those who have been playing on the Xbox One or PlayStation 4 won’t benefit from the same feature though.
“GWENT on iOS combines the full feature set of the PC version with controls reimagined for the touch interface,” the announcement for the game’s mobile port reads. “Progress and purchases are shared between iOS and PC (using GOG account), so players can easily switch platforms anytime. Note that Xbox One and PS4 progress cannot be carried over and/or shared.”
To play the mobile version of Gwent, you’ll need to have at least an iPhone 6S or newer model. For iPad gaming, you’ll need to use the iPad Mini 4 and newer, iPad 5th generation and newer, iPad Air 2 and newer and all iPad Pro devices. The game will support 4K textures on the more powerful versions of Apple’s devices. It’ll also be supported on the iPhone 11 which was just announced not long ago and will start releasing soon, so if you’re planning on upgrading to one of those devices, you’ll have it in time to play Gwent when it releases next month.
Pre-orders for the mobile game are now live in the App Store, so you can go ahead and secure your game there so that it’ll automatically be added once it releases in October. Mobile games sometimes have a tendency to release earlier than their projected release date though, so perhaps we’ll see it out sooner.
Gwent: The Witcher Card Game releases for the iOS platform on October 29th.