Insomniac Community Director Fights Back Against Trolls Concerning 'Marvel's Spider-Man' DLC

It has been a very odd week in the Marvel's Spider-Man for PlayStation 4 community. After death [...]

It has been a very odd week in the Marvel's Spider-Man for PlayStation 4 community. After death threats and general harassment followed the developers over at Insomniac Games regarding the addition of the Raimi suit, Community Director James Stevenson said a few words about boundaries and community mistreatment. While the initial post went viral garnering the respect and support of both fans and industry personnel alike, that didn't stop the discourse from growing.

As we noted earlier today with our previous coverage, many players of the popular PS4 game came forward to apologize for previous messages, and the overall excitement for the newest addition was immediately felt. While the team has been very clear that these additions take months of planning and it doesn't happen overnight, some are still taking shots at the studio seemingly forgetting the amazing reviews the base story and subsequent DLC received. When one fan tried to dismiss Stevenson's words about Insomniac's accomplishments and DLC timeline, the Community Director retorted with pure fact:

Expansions are nothing new to games and they don't just happen. Before recent years where microtransactions and cash grabs became more apparent, expansions were something players used to look forward to - a way to experience a beloved title long after its original launch. When done correctly, it's an incredible experience - a new experience - without sacrificing what the original story had to offer.

When Spider-Man first made its debut on the PS4, it shattered records left and right. The community - both industry and players alike - couldn't stop all pouring on the praise for what a phenomenal journey this was. With all of the comic nods, the easter eggs, and the genuine enjoyment the open-world had to offer - Insomniac gave Marvel fans an adventure they will never forget. They did their job and did it incredibly well.

The subsequent DLC also received high praise, offering new rewards for players to unlock simply by playing in addition to a wonderful new narrative to lose themselves in. Whether it be an entire DLC or a simple suit, these decisions are heavily weighed and shot through pipeline. Since day one, the studio has been very honest and engaged with their fans and they continue to do so, despite the need for a few professional boundaries as of late.

As we mentioned previously, it's impossible to make everyone 100% happy. There will be different opinions, various perspectives, and general "not my cup of tea" responses - and that's OK. Not every game is going to suit your fancy, and that is also OK. What's not OK is threatening a working professional over not getting what you want. As with anything in life, it's so much more than "I'm right" - it's about being decent and respectful - even with criticisms.

What are your thought on the relationship between developers and gamers? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!