Certain 'League of Legends' Could One Day Exceed the Level Cap

Riot Games is exploring an idea where certain League of Legends champions could one day exceed the [...]

Riot Games is exploring an idea where certain League of Legends champions could one day exceed the current level cap.

The leveling system wouldn't be changed for every champion, but in the current idea that's being kicked around, League of Legends design director Riot Meddler said select champions like Zilean would be able to exceed level 18. The Rioter gave an example of why it'd work with Zilean and asked the community whether that would feel like an agreeable change of if it'd feel out of place. He also gave an idea of the updated level cap Riot Games would consider for those champions with the cap appearing to go no further than 20 in the plans currently being discussed.

"Wanted to get a gut check from you folks on a concept we've kicked around occasionally internally," Riot Meddler said about the potential change. "How does the idea of allowing a few specific champions to exceed the level cap slightly (level 19, maybe 20?) sound? If for example Zilean's passive, in addition to allowing him to give XP to allies, also allowed him to break the level cap a bit just for himself is that something that feels natural? If so, is it something that would feel out of place if a few other champions could do the same?"

A change like this would take some getting used to whether a player was controlling a champion who goes beyond level 18 or if they just come across a level 20 Zilean roaming the Rift, but Riot Meddler said it's not something Riot Games is planning on implementing in the near future. He also gave some indication of other champions who might benefit from that change including those who "could do with a bit of super late game power" or more relevance to their passives, like Zilean.

"Not something we're immediately planning to do, but could be an option for champs who could do with a bit of super late game power and a bit of extra relevance to their passives," the Rioter continued. "Was curious as to whether it was something that generally sounded appealing versus boring, fair versus unfair etc to you all."

Going past level 20 would be an interesting development for certain champions whose abilities are based on their levels. Tristana, for example, gains more range on her basic attacks as she levels up, so she'd have an extra 16 units of range on her attacks assuming she could reach level 20.

Many games don't even last long enough for players to reach level 18 anyway, a point raised by some who commented on the boards post. It's unclear if or when Riot Games would implement a feature, but more details on its specifics should be shared before it's put into effect, assuming it ever is.