Riot Agrees League of Legends Events Have Become "Stale," Has Plans for Improvements

League of Legends’ latest set of questions directed at the creators of the game were shared in [...]

League of Legends' latest set of questions directed at the creators of the game were shared in the latest Ask Riot post with one of those questions touching on the topic of in-game events. A player said the quality of these events has decreased over time with recent ones coming across as "banal" due to so-so challenges and rewards and a lack of new game modes. Riot Games agreed by saying events have "become more stale this year" and outlined plans to improve the events.

Events and game modes were the topic of discussion in the most recent Ask Riot post with the topic of this year's events the first to be addressed. A player acknowledged that Riot regularly releases events centered around different themes like the PROJECT and Star Guardian skins but critiqued the quality of this year's offerings. When asked if Riot had any plans to improve the events by making the "more substantial and interesting," game design lead Riot Xenogenic responded.

"Yes, absolutely! We've heard this feedback and wholeheartedly agree—events have become more stale this year," the Rioter said. "We want each event to feel like a unique experience that all players can be excited for, which is why our goal moving forward is to make participating in events more rewarding, more novel, and more memorable for everyone."

Starting with the new Worlds event that'll kick off soon as the best pro teams compete for the title of World Champion, players will begin seeing some improvements. The "first small steps" to improve events will be seen during that time with more improvements planned for 2020.

A list of goals Riot has for the future of League of Legends events outlined some of the ways the events will be improved:

  • Bring back game modes (new and old) to events
  • Improve how missions interact with events, similarly to Trials (ex: Trials gave you a progress bar you filled up by doing missions, which in turn gave you house-specific rewards for the event, so it all felt more cohesive)
  • Deliver more missions and a greater variety of missions beyond just "farm minions," "get kills," or "earn gold"

Some of the events League players have participated in this year include events centered on the PROJECT skins, the Arcade skins, and a Lunar Revel event.