League of Legends: Kha'Zix's Evolved Ultimate Is Being Reverted

Riot Games recently outlined more changes coming to League of Legends’ jungle in the future, one [...]

League of Legends Kha Zix
(Photo: Riot Games)

Riot Games recently outlined more changes coming to League of Legends' jungle in the future, one of which reverts Kha'Zix's evolved ultimate back to it's previous form that doesn't grant invisibility upon touching a bush.

The mechanic has been around for a while now when it was added back in Patch 6.22, the update that many will remember as the huge assassin overhaul. This update featured several changes for Kha'Zix, one of which gave the Voidreaver the ability to go invisible for a few seconds once he touches the bush, assuming the ability had been evolved.

Since then, it's become one of the champion's most threatening abilities that makes him an even better 1v1 duelist since he can proc his Unseen Threat passive more than once. With that update coming around two years ago, Riot is now looking to remove the brush invisibility and instead give the ability additional duration and casts instead.

Riot Meddler shared a list of the jungle changes coming specifically for champions in a recent Gameplay Thoughts post. Among Xin Zhao, Graves, and the potential for other champion changes like buffs for Nocturne and Master Yi, you'll notice that the Kha'Zix evolved ultimate revert was included as well.

  • Xin Zhao - lowering scaling damage (AD/level) and gank reliability (E slow %). Looking to keep early damage and dueling power intact.
  • Graves - less early AA damage, potentially another change.
  • Lee Sin - Got hit by the yellow trinket CD/duration change. Making it so his ability reactivations interact as you'd expect with CDR and giving him a bit more energy from his passive late game.
  • Kha'Zix - Changing R adaption back to granting additional duration and cast rather than invis on touching brush.
  • Elise - Increased base MS and human W damage.
  • Possibly a few more champs (e.g. might be small buffs to Kindred, Yi, Nocturne, Diana).

The champion changes are just a few parts of everything that Riot's looking to change in this next pass on the jungle. Following feedback from the recent jungle changes that reduced overall experience and put a much greater emphasis on the Scuttle Crab, Riot has said that they're taking in players' feedback with these changes being the follow-up iteration to recent adjustments that players expressed concerns about.

Kha'Zix's changes and more are expected to be included in Patch 8.11 but may be adjusted before then. Either way, you can spot them on the PBE and test them for yourself before they go live in the next patch.