'League of Legends' PBE Update Makes Ornn Unstoppable Again

Changes for League of Legends’ champion Ornn have been pushed to the PBE servers that adjust all [...]

Changes for League of Legends' champion Ornn have been pushed to the PBE servers that adjust all his abilities and gives him back his "Unstoppable" trait.

Riot Games' Blake "Riot Squad5" Smith, the champion designer for Ornn, took to the League boards to break down the proposed changes that give the champion back his Unstoppable effect at the cost of his Bellows Breath shield. Riot Squad5 shared a list of changes for the champion's "W" that included two bolded points to take note of, one of which makes him Unstoppable during the move's duration once again.

  • Ornn's shield on using W is removed.
  • Ornn's W now grants him unstoppable for the duration.
  • W duration reduced from 1s to .75s
  • Brittle damage increased from 7%+.3% per level to 10% +.5% per level
  • Cooldown changed from 17/15/13/11/9 to 14 at all ranks

Ornn originally shipped with the Unstoppable effect included as part of his Bellows Breath ability, an effect that let him ignore crowd control and continue pushing forward when the ability was active. Riot Games later removed that part of the ability and explained its reasoning behind the decision, the video above showing what the past version of the spell looked like for those who never saw its initial form.

Commenting on the state of Ornn's Bellows Breath, Riot Squad5 said the ability currently functions as too much of an "I win" ability that allows him to easily win most trades at the press of a button. The new version of the ability should be clearer for enemies to respond to when working around his Unstoppable trait and the Brittle debuff, the Rioter said, but the loss of the shield isn't meant to necessarily be a tradeoff.

"Replacing the shield isn't intended to be a power equal trade, but it should give skilled Ornn players something to think about instead of blindly pressing W whenever possible, and should put more emphasis on Ornn proc'ing his brittle marks to win trades," the Rioter said.

Ornn's Bellows Breath was just one of Ornn's abilities that have now changed on the PBE. His passive that lets he and teammates upgrade items was also adjusted to make it so that his upgradeable items are automatically upgraded for him once he reaches level 11 at no cost to him.

"When Ornn hits level 11 any upgradable items he currently owns or buys in the future will automatically become upgraded for no cost. For the next 4 levels after 11, each level will allow Ornn to upgrade an item for an ally (max 1 per ally) at no cost," the new ability description said. "Ornn must get close to his ally and click on them, which will cause him to forge his ally's item and replace it for them when he's finished."

Ornn's PBE changes can be read in full here.