League of Legends Players Will be Able to See Others' Runes During Games

There’s plenty changing with the new League of Legends runes that are on the way, but one thing [...]

League of Legends Keystone Runes
(Photo: Riot Games)

There's plenty changing with the new League of Legends runes that are on the way, but one thing will remain the same: You can still check which Keystone Runes your teammates and opponents have while loading into the game.

In similar system to the one currently in place, each players' chosen Keystone Rune will still be displayed in the pre-game loading screen alongside the chosen Summoner Spells, skins, and other information. But with how diverse the new runes coming with the Runes Reforged system are, players will likely hope to see a bit more information about the powerful runes that each player chose. Taking that into consideration, Riot Games has also said that the secondary path that's chosen will also be visible while loading in so that you can determine what kind of stat bonuses other players will have.

"Yes, in the loading screen after champ select, you'll be able to see the path / keystone of each player in your game," Riot's CcC Grumbles cCc said in an Ask Riot post about the preseason. "You'll also be able to see the keystone of all players in the game scoreboard."

For some runes, there will also be special circumstances in place for clarity so that players will know when they're opponents or teammates have certain abilities up.

"With channel-blink specifically, when someone has this, you can tell on the scoreboard because after using flash, their flash will be replaced with a different icon (the channeled flash icon)," the Rioter continued, referring to the Hextech Flashtraption rune that falls under the Inspiration category.

However, there are still plenty of impactful runes that others had questions about related to how they'll be clearly displayed to others. One reader commented that they "think we need to be able to see ALL of the runes not just the path and Keystone" when it comes to understanding what runes opponents have.

The new runes won't roll out until Nov. 8 when the preseason begins and a wave of massive changes comes to League of Legends, but more improvements on how they'll be made visible during matches will likely come before then.