League Of Legends: Urgot's Shotgun Knees And Huge Aatrox Update Coming

Urgot has been a topic of discussion for League of Legends reworks for quite some time now, and [...]

(Photo: League of Legends)

Urgot has been a topic of discussion for League of Legends reworks for quite some time now, and joining him in the ranks of champs who don't quite fit in the current game is The Darkin Blade, Aatrox. In a recent Champion Roadmap where lead champion designer Reav3 discussed some upcoming reworks, he said that the Aatrox update will be absolutely massive, and yes, Urgot will have shotgun knees.

He began his announcements by talking about Aatrox and how the champ's theme doesn't really work as well as the designers had intended, something that should be no surprise to anyone who's watched the champs pitiful attempts to stay relevant. The design team knows that players aren't satisfied with the champ, and they're hoping to fix that.

"Aatrox continually tops our player request charts for a gameplay update, so we want to take this time to revisit the Darkin Blade and try to truly deliver on the fantasy that Aatrox's art and theme suggest—a demonic warrior who craves bloodshed," he said on the current and future situation of Aatrox.

Reav3 warned that they were still a ways off from the Aatrox update, so the champ will likely stay in his current state for some time, but Reav3 said the update already has some "promising design directions." Whatever they end up with, he said that the Aatrox changes will likely be the largest gameplay update they've ever done on a champion and that each one of Aatrox's abilities will be updated.

But Urgot's rework is much closer to being revealed, and players are eager to see how the Zaunite huntsman will come out on the other side once they're done with him. They're going to keep Urgot's unique role as a beefy marksman, but they hope to highlight some of his strengths a bit more.

"The current version of Urgot is a pretty unique champion — a marksman/tank hybrid," Reav3 said. "We like that Urgot is kind of weird champion and we want to preserve that, but we also want to focus his identity a little bit more."

The term "Ranged Juggernaut" was also tossed around, and it was said that Urgot will have a unique place in the Juggernaut roster as he joins the likes of Darius, Garen, and Nasus.

But one aspect of Urgot that many weren't sure about pertains to his crabby knees, specifically on whether or not they'd be outfitted with shotguns.

(Photo: League of Legends)

"Also, yes, he has shotgun knees," Reav3 confirmed matter-of-factly, a statement that was punctuated with the picture of Urgot being literally rebuilt, shown above.

The rumors about shotgun knees came from a massive content leak that's already had many speculations confirmed. That leak also said that Urgot would have a furnace-like stomach, and with so many other details already been confirmed, it's looking more likely that we'll see that, too.