Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Shows Off Original and Comic-Inspired Outfits

With Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy's release just under two weeks away now, we're starting to see more of the game following some previews of what players can expect. Given how many different versions of Marvel characters there are throughout Marvel's comic collection and other mediums, it should've been expected that we'd see all kinds of different outfits available in the game. Square Enix showed off a couple of those this week by previewing different Star-Lord getups that we'll see in the game.

There are over 40 outfits in the game in total, Square Enix said, with different outfits available for each Guardian as players unlock the cosmetics in-game. They'll only be acquired in-game, the developers stressed in the replies to the reveals, seeing how the game won't feature any microtransactions.

Revealed on Thursday were three different outfits for Star-Lord, two of which were inspired by specific comics while the third features an original design. You can see all three of them – the Team-Lord, Sun-Lord, and Nova Corps outfits – below with previews showing what they look like as well as context for the cosmetics.

Star-Lord is just the start of the reveals, too. With these three outfits shown off for the leader of the Guardians today, we'll soon see more when additional cosmetics are revealed on Friday. Those will focus on Gamora, so expect to see a couple of outfits for her revealed then cosmetics for Drax, Groot, and Rocket potentially being revealed afterwards.

Aside from choosing what outfits your team wears, you'll also have to make much more pressing decisions as the leader of the team. Players only play as Star-Lord but can direct the actions of your AI companions through decisions big and small.

"You are Star-Lord, so nothing's off-limits with your bold combat style, from Element Blasters and jet boot-powered dropkicks to tag-team beat-downs," a preview of the game read. "With the Guardians fighting at your side, call the shots and overwhelm your opponents with signature attacks. Meanwhile, the consequences of your decisions will range from light-hearted to downright unexpected as your journey unfolds."

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is scheduled to launch on October 26th for the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch platforms.