Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Fans Call Out "Offensively Bad" Suit

Insomniac Games did Miles Morales dirty with this Spider-Man 2 suit.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has dozens of different suits for PS5 players to adorn Peter Parker and Miles Morales with. Some of these suits are classics from movies and comics of yesteryear, others are brand new designs straight from the minds of the artists at Insomniac Games. Some of these brand new designs are great. For example, Peter Parker's main suit, the White Spider suit, is one of the best Spider-Man suits of all time. However, some of the new designs are pretty bad. To this end, one suit is so bad that it's been universally mocked on X, TikTok, Reddit, you name it. If you've played the game, or paid attention to social media discourse about the game, you'll know what suit we are talking about: Miles Morales' final suit.

Not only does the suit shamelessly promote the Adidas brand because apparently the game isn't making enough money without product placement, but it doesn't cover up Miles' hair. This concept might not sound that crazy, but the final product is a very awkward looking ordeal. 

If this was just a random suit, it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but players have to use it at the end of the game and it's a canon suit, which means we will presumably see lots more of it going forward. In other words, if you're one of many fans who hates it, well you better get used to it.

This suit is offensively bad
by u/mastadonson in SpidermanPS4
Swapped that shit out so fast lmao
by u/Cock-Man69 in SpidermanPS4

Insomniac Games hasn't responded to the hate the suit has been getting. We don't expect this to change, but if it does, we will be sure to update the story accordingly. In the meantime, for more coverage on the new PS5 exclusive, click here.

"Ultimately, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 captures the essence of the character on a micro and macro level," reads a snippet from our official review of the game. "We get big, epic set pieces infused with personal stakes, spectacular combat, the amazing web-swinging that every kid dreams of, and a story that tests Miles Morales and Peter Parker on both physical and mental levels. While it isn't without its flaws, Spider-Man 2 is a sensational follow-up to the previous games and yet another winner for PlayStation players."

As always, feel free to leave a comment or two letting us know what you think. Is this Miles Morales suit as everyone is saying or are Spider-Man fans overreacting?
