Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Rumor Leaks Villains and Much More

A new Marvel's Spider-Man 2 rumor, despite coming from a dubious source, has been making the rounds, and if it's accurate, it reveals some major story details about the sequel. We still know next to nothing about the Spider-Man sequel, despite it being revealed a few years ago and despite it supposedly aiming to release this September. When this will change, remains to be seen, but the longer the drought of information continues, the more rumors about the game surface. The latest comes from 4chan and claims to have the scoop on the game's story, which means beware as there are potential story spoilers ahead. 

According to the rumor, the game begins with Peter and Miles trying to hunt down a serial killer on the loose. The catch is that Yuri, from the first game, is the serial killer and is killing bad guys in the name of justice. It's during these missions that a tension between Peter and Miles is supposedly established, as Peter tells Miles to leave it to him given the dangerous nature of the investigation. This apparently foreshadows a struggle between the two later in the game. 

The rumor continues claiming Peter gets the symbiote early in the game when Harry comes home from "Europe" and after it sneaks into MJ's purse and then onto Peter later. Not long after getting his Black Suit powers, Peter defeats Yuri, with the help of Miles, ending the first act of the game. 

The next act begins with Osborn hiring Kraven to kill Peter and Miles, as he's worried about Peter's new powers and Miles' electric powers as well. Things don't go well for Kraven, who quickly turns to brutal tactics, going rogue in the process, before being defeated. After defeating Kraven, Miles and Peter go to the classic bell tower to get rid of the suit, and during this Kraven escapes.  

"[The] suit bonds with Eddie Brock," continues the rumor. "Eddie is a reoccurring playable character in the game with MJ like sections without the stealth and more action and puzzles and photography stuff."

Apparently, during one of these sections of the game, Black Suit Spider-Man gets into a fight with Eddie and messes him up, which in turn makes Eddie hate Peter, who "he also has bad history with." That said, Kraven begins to hunt Venom thinking he's Spider-Man, which leads to Venom killing Kraven, and eating his head.

Somehow, Venom eventually kidnaps Mary Jane, forcing Peter and Miles to rescue her. During this, Osborn "gaslights" Harry into becoming Green Goblin, and the final showdown of the game is Peter and Miles fighting Venom and Green Goblin. The former defeat the latter, and turn them good, and all four go after Osborn. At this point in the game, right at the end, Osborn kills his own son with an advanced Green Goblin suit and forces the symbiote off Eddie.

"Osborn kills his own son with a better goblin suit and also forces the symbiote off Eddie, symbiote is like a container, [and] it falls off a roof and Eddie dives after it, when they look over edge neither is to be seen," claims the rumor. The game ends with Peter proposing to MJ and her accepting."'

The rumor rounds out by mentioning that Mysterio Sandman, Big Wheel, Shocker, Paste Pot Pete, and Screwball are all side villains in the game. Meanwhile, Doc Ock is also in the game, but only via an audio log cameo. A post-credit scene involving the "multiverse breaking open cause of the Spider-Verse events and a version of Spider-Gwen comes out of the portal confused" is also mentioned. Lastly, while the rumor confirms you play as Eddie in the game, this does not translate to playing as Venom. 

Is any of this true? We don't know. It's making the rounds, and it sounds plausible, but it comes from an anonymous 4chan user. In the past, some of the biggest leaks have come from anonymous 4chan users, but even more hogwash has come from the site, so take that into consideration.