
New Mass Effect Tease Shared, But What Does It Mean?


There’s a new tease from BioWare director Michael Gamble for Mass Effect fans, but nobody has been able to figure out what it means, which in turn means it’s possible it’s actually not teasing anything. The “tease” in question that has Mass Effect fans trying to connect the dots comes straight from Gamble’s Twitter account. 

A few days ago, the official BioWare Twitter account tweeted a video of the Normandy flying through space. The footage in question isn’t new, but rather from the pre-existing trilogy. That said, it’s accompanied by the following caption “does anyone have big travel plans this year?”. It’s a rather odd tweet if it’s not slyly teasing something or hinting at something, but what it could be teasing or hinting at is unclear.

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Whether this tweet itself is a tease or a hint, probably not, but following this up Gamble quote-tweeted it saying, “If only they knew where we were going”. Now, this seems to be more like a tease or hint, but again, what it could be teasing or hinting at, we don’t know. It’s well-known Gamble likes to tease fans, but not everything he also says is always a tease. He is seemingly well aware that some fans think it is though and plays into these expectations. It’s quite possible this is just another example of that.

Whatever the purpose of the tweet is, it has Mass Effect fans trying to connect the dots and getting excited for a game that, unfortunately, we are unlikely to see in any major capacity anytime this year.

Unfortunately, for now, all we have is speculation. Of course, if Gambles provides any context or any type of follow-up tease, we will be sure to update the story accordingly, but for now, it appears this little morsel is all Mass Effect fans have to chew on for the next several months.

As always, feel free to leave a comment or two letting us know what you think. Do you think there’s anything to this Gamble tweet? If so, what’s your theory?