Mass Effect Teaser May Hide Fan-Favorite Character From Original Trilogy

Mass Effect fans would love to see this character brought back.

One of the two recent Mass Effect N7 day teasers -- the artwork, not the trailer -- seems to be potentially hide a fan-favorite character from the original trilogy of games. Mass Effect fans have been dissecting the trailer and artwork since their release on November 7. Unfortunately, the trailer doesn't seem to contain much, but the artwork seems packed with teases and easter eggs. To this end, some Mass Effect fans think they have spotted both Joker and EDI in the artwork. 

As you can see below -- via YouTuber Kala Elizabeth -- there is a character that can be spotted in the background of the promotional artwork, and you can't seen much of this character, but you can see their hat sticking out, and it looks just like the hat Joker wears in the original games. There could be a few other explanations, but that looks exactly how Joker would look at that angle. 

What's weird here is the assumption is that this new game takes place after both the events of Mass Effect and Andromeda. To this end, Joker wouldn't be alive. So, what is this telling us then? Well, it could be nothing more than an easter egg. It could also point towards a time traveling story or a story that takes places over a long stretch of time. Alternatively, maybe the first assumption is incorrect. 

For what it's worth, we think this is just the developers at BioWare leaving little easter eggs and teases for hardcore fans in the artwork. There could be some significance to the artwork, but much of it is likely a misdirection or simply a canvas to tease Mass Effect fans and get them speculating like mad. If this was the goal, it's been very effective. 

As always, feel free to leave a comment or two letting us know what you think. Do you think that is Joker in the promotional artwork for the new Mass Effect? More than this, what would you like to see from the next Mass Effect game?