Metroid Prime 4 Job Listings Hint at Development Progress

Nintendo and developer Retro Studios haven’t said a word about Metroid Prime 4 in quite some [...]

Nintendo and developer Retro Studios haven't said a word about Metroid Prime 4 in quite some time, but new information has today come about that might give us a better idea of how work on the game is coming along. Hinted at in a handful of new job listings, development on the fourth installment in the beloved series still seems to be relatively early on, which means those expecting a release any time soon might want to reserve their expectations.

As mentioned in a new post from Retro Studios today, the developer is actively looking to hire for the role of a Boss/AI Designer at the company. The job listing is just one of many that are currently open at Retro, with other roles including a Lead Animator, Lead Lighting Artist, and Concept Artist. These positions all specifically are said to be tied to the Metroid Prime 4 team at Retro as well, which means these aren't associated with another project that might be in development at the studio.

The unfortunate part of this news though is that based on these job listings, Metroid Prime 4 still seems like it might be quite far away from releasing. Some of the positions that Retro is looking to hire for are quite vital to the early stages of many games. The Concept Artist role, in particular, is one that is used heavily in the pre-production phase of creating video games.

Obviously, keep in mind that this is all conjecture on my part and may prove to be untrue. Perhaps Metroid Prime 4 is closer than we might think it is. Then again, considering Retro was brought on to reboot the development of Metroid Prime 4 essentially from scratch only back in 2019 and has since been staffing up to work on the game, all indications point to this being a title that is still pretty far out.

All we currently know for certain about Metroid Prime 4 is that whenever it does release, it is planned to come to the Nintendo Switch. Until that time, you can continue to follow all of our coverage on the game right here.

So what do you think? Do these new job listings point to Metroid Prime 4 being far off, or do you think the game could release sooner than we realize? Let me know down in the comments or over on Twitter at @MooreMan12.