Mortal Kombat Kollection Online Reportedly Coming to PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and PC

It looks like a remastered collection of Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat II, and Mortal Kombat III [...]

It looks like a remastered collection of Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat II, and Mortal Kombat III are coming to PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Mortal Kombat Kollection Online, a game thought to have been cancelled. Word of the revived collection comes way of the Pan European Game Information (PEGI) board, the group responsible for ratings games in Europe, who recently rated the product, noting that it features updated art, gameplay, and new online components. Beyond this, the rating doesn't divulge many salient details other than confirming it's for the first three games in the iconic fighting game series.

As you may know, we already knew about the existence of Mortal Kombat Kollection Online, which was in development at Blind Squirrel Games. However, as of last year, it was thought to be cancelled, or at least that's what reports were claiming. That said, it looks like these reports were either wrong or something has changed, because this new rating seemingly confirms it's in development either still at Blind Squirrel Games or somewhere else.

Normally, when a rating board leaks a game or an announcement, it's best to take it with a grain of salt if it's a smaller rating board agency. However, PEGI, like the ESRB, are very reliable, and usually things only go to them for rating when they aren't that far from releasing. In other words, not only does it look like Mortal Kombat Kollection Online is in development, but it could be releasing soon. Like, within a few months soon.

"Mortal Kombat Kollection Online is the original Mortal Kombat trilogy that Mortal Kombat fans always wanted," reads the rating. "Upgraded art, gameplay, and online features provide an incredible experience that revive the klassics…"

As always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think. Do you think it's a good idea for Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment to re-release these three classics in remastered form and with online elements? Or do you think it should simply focus on the future of the series, in this case more DLC characters for Mortal Kombat 11, and eventually Mortal Kombat 12?

H/T, Gematsu.