Omega Strikers Update 2.1 Live Alongside Patch Notes

Odyssey Interactive has released a new Omega Strikers update alongside patch notes that reveal and detail everything the update does. Most notably, the update adds two new characters, twins named Vyce and Octavia. In addition to this there is a new asher, a new map, new gear, and much more. And like most updates, this one requires a download. 

How big the file size of the update is, we don't know. This information has not been disclosed, but the patch notes are extensive and the update contains new content so the file size could be on the meatier side. Speaking of patch notes, you can check out the complete and official patch notes for the update right below:



[NEW] Vyce is an explosive long-range Striker who uses an electrified guitar to deal heavy damage and warp across the field. She can drop thunderbolts from the sky to stun enemies from a distance, launch chain lightning attacks, and emit a MASSIVE shockwave that sends enemies flying. With Vyce, it's all about finding the perfect moment to warp into your enemies and start melting their faces with a ripping guitar solo.

  • Thunderstruck [SECONDARY]
    • Summon a thunderbolt from the sky to a target location, hitting and stunning enemies for .75s. For the next 3.25s, recast to assume a form of pure energy and teleport to the cast location.

  • Power Chord [PRIMARY]
    • Launch a lightning riff, hitting and slowing the first target struck before chaining LIGHT hits to nearby opponents.

  • Super Nova [SPECIAL]
    • Push-and-hold this ability to start rocking out, gaining 100% knockback resistance. Upon releasing the ability or after 2.5s, emit a shockwave that blasts enemies away from you. The wave increases in size and power for the first 1.25s it's charged.

[NEW] Octavia is a speedy but fragile Striker who excels at controlling the core and evading enemy attacks with her pair of psychically-controlled speakers. Her entire playstyle is built around Flow State, which grants her a scaling speed boost that refreshes its duration whenever she hits something. To become a true virtuoso with Octavia, you'll need quick reflexes and a focused mind in order to continually extend your Flow State for as long as possible.

  • Flow State [SECONDARY]
    • Gain 25% Speed for 2.75s, increasing by 2.5% per second. Hitting anything refreshes the duration, scaling infinitely.
    • Sonic Boom [PRIMARY]
      • Launch a sonic wave that hits all targets it passes through and slows them for 1s. Deals light hits to subsequent targets.

    • Bass Drop [SPECIAL]
      • After a delay, emit 5 sound pulses over a short duration that hit surrounding enemies.

Asher's kit was too oppressive at keeping the Core forward, which made it very frustrating for opponents when trying to counter her core control. We're removing her passive shield barrier and moving that to the duration of her PRIMARY ability cast only. If she casts PRIMARY on her side of the field, her barrier will be larger and unbreakable. We think these changes, along with a defensive buff to her SECONDARY, will improve her tank-like playstyle. All of these changes should improve counterplay against opposing Asher forwards, but we'll be keeping a close eye on how she performs as a Goalie as well. Does that fit the criteria for a "mini-rework"? You tell me!

  • Striker Barrier (STRIKE)
    • Passive Barrier Creation on ability casts :: Removed
    • Now is just a normal Strike

  • Breakthrough [SECONDARY]
    • Fixed a bug where Asher could move during the channel time of the dash (0.125s channel before dash)
    • Tuned to be more forgiving to hit units slightly in front of and behind her
    • Now grants Asher a BUFF that reduces incoming Knockbacks by 30% and damage taken by 25% for 5 seconds. This buff loses its effects if Asher is staggered.

  • Barrier Beam [PRIMARY]
    • Renamed from Arc Beam to Barrier Beam
    • [NEW]Creates a barrier while cast that deals a LIGHT hit to enemies it comes in contact with before breaking. If cast on Asher's team's side of the field, the barrier islarger and unbreakable for its duration.
    • Asher is no longer further slowed if the barrier hits something (she is still slowed while channeling)
    • Beam Range :: Increased from 340 → 350


  • Magical Maelstrom [SPECIAL]
    • Maximum knockback angle to the cast direction :: 90 degrees → 60 degrees
      • This will keep both the Core and knocked-back players moving in the direction of the Maelstrom, instead of it being all funky.


  • Strike with Friends (STRIKE)
    • [BUGFIX] Blobbos will now reset their overridden strike direction when Juno strikes the Core
      • This should make it easier for Juno to set up some pass plays with the Core


  • Pendulum Swing [PRIMARY]
    • [BUGFIX] The head of his chain sickle (circular area) now scales with increased size


  • Unstable Anomaly [PRIMARY]
    • [BUGFIX] Now scales at a fixed rate, instead of being slowed down by increased Creation Duration
    • [BUGFIX] Will knock back targets multiple times if they stay inside the Anomaly

  • Banish [SPECIAL]
    • [BUGFIX] Now banishes additional targets hit for the same amount of time as the first target.


  • [BUGFIX] Base strike size: 350 diameter -> 270 diameter


[NEW] Demon Dais

  • Our first brand-new map! It pairs perfectly with the Oni twins of Ahten.
  • On this new music stage, we have a unique Barrier setup with two concentric circles that you have to break through. On breaking the outer barrier, the speakers on the sides of the map activate, pumping out sonic waves! These waves will push Strikers and the Core away from them. When the inner barrier on either team drops, the speakers get amplified, expanding the impact of the sound waves further into the map!! You might want to bring earplugs.

Ahten City

  • Now spawns 6 Orbs per wave instead of the standard 3
    • This is intended to give Ahten City a little bit of variety and have a unique feel to it, rather than it just being the "standard" map. We've got a couple things in the future brewing around Ahten City as well, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Night Market

  • [BUGFIX] Speed gate now grants bonus to all units within its area when it is activated.
  • [BUGFIX]On being hit by the Core, barriers take the standard 1s to fully deactivate (was shorter to match previous visuals)

Oni Village

  • [BUGFIX] Speed zones now better match the visuals and do not extend into the corners.


  • Updated to better teach players how to aim their Strike and Abilities with controllers and on mobile
  • Default setting for Controllers now has Aim Guidance turned off, letting players aim with their movement stick (Left Stick)
  • [BUGFIX] Goal gates now meet in the middle instead of appearing slightly open during tutorial
  • [BUGFIX] Goal gates in tutorial will no longer disappear when they're closed in the tutorial


  • Healing :: 20% of Max Stagger → 7.5% to 30% based on current stagger (more healing when more damaged)

UI and other improvements

  • More Striker info on lore page
  • Improved layout in lore book
  • Barriers now have a VFX on destruction

We've gone and added all those cute and cool skins we made from the first Creator VS. They're cool. And cute.
We also made some super rad stuff for the Ahten City Music Festival!!!! Be sure to check these out 8)

You might've seen 'em shared by us before, but they're finally here!

  • Moist Asher
  • Rakin Juliette
  • Lily Juno Bee

The Oni twins aren't the only ones ready for the music festival! A couple of your other favorite Strikers are getting into the groove:

  • Idol Ai.Mi
  • Pop King Kai
  • Soundwave Atlas

What's a music festival without a little visual effects? We threw in a nice new goal explosion and a couple emotes into the patch, just to take this concert to the next level.


Nintendo Switch

  • Now playable at 60FPS!


  • No longer requires Xbox Live Gold to play
    • This was actually fixed a week or so ago, but I'm including it here anyway 8)


  • [NEW FORWARD GEAR] Siphoning Wand :: Hits deal bonus damage equal to 5% of the enemy's max Stagger over 2.5s, healing the user for the same amount.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where gear benefits would sometimes be lost when if goalies ventured to the very edges of the map.


  • 25% bonus knockback to staggered targets → now grants 10% more knockback to all targets

Making a video game is hard. We ran into some bugs, but we squashed some bugs too! Here's a couple in particular that we squashed. Thank you for all your diligence in reporting them!!

  • iOS Users should no longer experience massive framerate drops when they take Tempo Swing awakening.
  • End of match screen in non-English languages no longer shows weird debug text.
  • Omega Strikers no longer crashes Nintendo Switch when playing in 60 FPS!
  • Core, goal gates, and goal barriers no longer disappear when dead.
  • Fixed an error that repeatedly caused players to fail to connect to games during the loading screen.
    • THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR IS REALLY NASTY. It will likely still occur on consoles, so if this keeps happening to you, PLEASE let us know!

  • Battle pass icon has been updated to show Season 2 content.
  • Atlas Lab Recharge time indicator is now red instead of green. Just an additional warning that you should get away from the area instead of trying to pick it up because itwill explode.
  • Various other small bug and crash fixes.


  • Fixed a bug on Gamepads where quick casting a cast at location movement ability on certain settings would cast directly at your Striker's feet instead of at maximum range.
    • Affects:
      • Juno Secondary
      • Estelle Secondary
      • Ai.mi Secondary
      • Zentaro Special

Omega Strikers is currently available via Nintendo Switch, PC, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S, with a PS4 version slated to arrive "soon." For more coverage on the popular free-to-play game, click here.