Overwatch Heroes' Resurrection Voice Lines Return to PTR

Special voice lines for each Overwatch character that they use when being resurrected by Mercy [...]

Overwatch Mercy
(Photo: Blizzard Entertainment)

Special voice lines for each Overwatch character that they use when being resurrected by Mercy have returned to the PTR for players to hear.

The next Overwatch update was already known to include changes for Mercy and Junkrat – nerfs for both, in case you Mercy or Junkrat mains were wondering – but some players noticed the voice lines played during each hero's resurrection were back as well. Reddit user leapingshadow (via Twinfinite) is one such player who noticed the voice lines and hoped to put them all in one spot for players to see.

"However, on the PTR, the Resurrect voice lines have been restored and are in working condition," leapingshadow said in their Reddit post. "I spent a while with a friend trying to condense all of them into one, single place as I couldn't find them documented anywhere online."

You can browse through the list of resurrection voice lines below and find your favorite hero to see what they have to say about Mercy bringing them back to life.

  • Mercy (Self)
    • This is not your time.
    • Heroes never die.
    • We still need you!
    • Let's get you back in the fight!
    • This is not the end!
    • The battle continues!
  • Doomfist
    • I'm not finished.
  • Genji
    • Arigato yo.
    • You've saved me again, Dr. Ziegler.
  • McCree
    • Thought I was a goner.
    • I've seen the light.
    • You look like you've seen a ghost.
  • Pharah
    • I'm back.
    • I'm not done yet.
  • Reaper
    • Get, up.
    • Get back in the fight.
  • Soldier: 76
    • Thanks doc.
    • No sleeping on the job.
    • On your feet, soldier.
  • Sombra
    • If i'm fighting, you're fighting too.
    • You're not getting off that easy.
  • Tracer
    • Aww, thanks doc!
    • Yeah!
    • Nice save!
  • Bastion
    • Assort ment of beeps and boops.
  • Hanzo
    • This time I will not fail!
  • Junkrat
    • Whooh, ho ho, I owe you one.
  • Mei
    • You're a life saver!
  • Torbjorn
    • Back to work!
  • Widowmaker
    • You must really like me.
    • Get, up.
    • I still have use for you.
    • French line I don't know
  • D.Va
    • You and me, we've got this.
    • One-up!
    • Huge Rez!
    • Come on, fights not over yet!
  • Orisa
    • System restarting.
    • Systems rebooted.
    • Was that the Iris?
  • Reinhardt
    • I'm back!
  • Roadhog
    • Get up!
  • Winston
    • I'm back.
    • Thanks, Dr. Ziegler.
  • Zarya
    • A second chance!
    • It is not over yet.
    • Don't count me out.
  • Ana
    • Thank you, Angela.
    • Huh, back again.
    • I'm in your debt.
  • Lucio
    • I'm too young to die.
  • Mercy
    • So that's what it feels like.
    • Now this is a role reversal.
    • We could all use a helping hand sometime.
  • Moira
  • Symmetra
    • A second chance.
  • Zenyatta
    • I return.
  • Training Bot
    • Where was I? There was this... bright... white light!