
Paradox Interactive Announces New Mobile Game Studio

The publisher and developer Paradox Interactive recently announced that the company would be […]

The publisher and developer Paradox Interactive recently announced that the company would be expanding their games’ sphere of influence by opening a new studio to focus on mobile game development, according to a press release.

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Located in Malmö, Sweden, the new studio will focus its efforts on creating the same challenges and gameplay that Paradox Interactive incorporates into their PC and console games but on a mobile platform. The decision to place the studio’s headquarters in Malmö is certainly a strategic one as the city already hosts a growing community of video game developers where the industry can likely expand quickly. Similar companies who already have their efforts based in Malmö include Massive Entertainment (Tom Clancy’s The Division) and Tarsier Studios (Little Nightmares).

“We chose Malmö because it has such a vibrant development community, and we know there’s plenty of talent to be found here,” said Susana Meza Graham, COO at Paradox Interactive. “In the coming months we are looking to add several new members to the team, both in Malmö and the mobile publishing team in Stockholm.”

Their search for new talent seems to already have begun as the announcement from Paradox Interactive mentioned more than once that they are looking to expand their team quickly, and the newly-made website for the mobile studio has already begun recruiting potential team members.

Most prominently known for its strategic, historical games, the mobile studio will likely feature many of the same concepts that the parent company builds their games around. Games such as Paradox Interactive’s space-explorer Stellaris put players in control of galactic empires while attempting to maintain relationships with neighboring factions, and others such as Cities: Skylines bring the community-builders back down to Earth as players construct and maintain intricate cities and communities.

Along with the news of their new mobile studio, Paradox Interactive also recently announced that they had another space-themed project in the works. Their 2018 game Surviving Mars hopes to put players up on the Red Planet to build a community, similar to their other games, but this time with much fewer resources to work with and consequential relationships that impact the course of the game.