Sony Reveals New PlayStation App for PS5 and PS4 Available Today

Sony has pulled back the curtain on the redesigned PlayStation App, which will be available today [...]

Sony has pulled back the curtain on the redesigned PlayStation App, which will be available today on the App Store and the Google Play Store. The app will bring with it a number of new features, allowing players access to certain options on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 while away from their console. Users will be able to see which friends are online, interact using messages and voice chat, make purchases directly from the PlayStation Store, and download those games straight to the console. For those that might be away from their console when a new game goes live, it sounds like the kind of thing that would be very beneficial!

To commemorate the launch of the updated PlayStation App, Sony has released a new trailer, showcasing some of the features that users can expect to see. The trailer can be found in the Tweet embedded below.

In the above trailer, one of the most notable sequences shows the user chatting with a friend. During the exchange, the user, "Maverick," tells a friend that they are downloading a game through the App in order to meet online for a match later. It's a goofy exchange, but it certainly shows how some of the app's features might come in handy. Waiting for a video game to download can be a time-consuming process, so having the option on the user's phone could help to make it much easier.

It will be interesting to see whether or not PlayStation fans embrace using the app. While the PlayStation App doesn't offer anything too revolutionary, its features should help to improve the overall experience for owners of the PS4 and PS5. It certainly shows how the next console generation is putting a greater emphasis on accessibility, as opposed to simply offering graphics that look better than those of the previous system. Sony seems determined to make gaming a more enjoyable experience, from faster load times, to ease of use. With the next generation set to begin in just a few short weeks, the new and improved PlayStation App is a small tease of what's to come!

Do you plan on downloading the PlayStation App? Do you plan on taking advantage of its features? Let us know in the comments or share yours directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!