PlayStation Leak Shows Another PS4 Exclusive Coming to PC [UPDATE]

UPDATE: IGN has confirmed that the PC listing for Days Gone on Amazon is inaccurate. The original [...]

UPDATE: IGN has confirmed that the PC listing for Days Gone on Amazon is inaccurate. The original story continues below.

ORIGINAL: It looks like another PlayStation 4 exclusive is potentially coming to the PC platform according to a leak that's just been spotted on Amazon. Found through Amazon France, a listing for the PlayStation 4 game Days Gone which originally released for the console in April 2019 showed the game listed for a PC release. The listing didn't provide any information about when the game would release there – assuming it's actually happening – nor did it say how much it would be, but if past announcements of PlayStation 4 games coming to the PC are any indication of what's to come, we'll probably hear a full announcement about this soon.

The incriminating listing which appeared to leak the PC port of the game was spotted by Twitter user Nibel who screenshotted the listing for the game should it eventually be taken down. Amazon France's listing for Days Gone on PC is pretty much bare of all pertinent information for the product besides the name of the game, the platform it's coming to, and the fact that the listing comes from PlayStation, but that trio of details is pretty convincing seeing how other games like Horizon Zero Dawn have already been confirmed for PC releases.

Since the listing clearly wasn't supposed to be up right now, the game is listed as "currently unavailable" to purchase. It's unknown what the release date for a PC version of this game might be, but given that it's been almost exactly one year since the game originally released, it'd make sense for its exclusivity to come to an end around this time. Unlike other games like the Final Fantasy VII Remake, however, Days Gone was not and still isn't listed as a timed exclusive on the PlayStation 4.

For those who've been keeping up with the listings, leaks, and confirmations of PlayStation 4 games coming over to the PC platform, Days Gone arriving there would be one of several games either confirmed or thought to be available soon for PC users. Both Horizon Zero Dawn and Death Stranding have been confirmed for PC releases, though there are rumors of other games like the Final Fantasy VII Remake, The Last of Us Part II, and now Days Gone eventually coming to the PC.

Now that the listing is out there, PC users can hopefully look forward to seeing a confirmation of the Days Gone port sooner rather than later. For those who haven't played Days Gone, be sure to check out our review to see what it's all about.