After teasing the next anniversary event for Pokemon Go set for July, Niantic shared details this week on what the next event will entail. It’ll have a focus on Charizard given that the iconic Pokemon is No. 6 in the Pokedex and that this is the game’s sixth anniversary which will include unique variants for Charizard. Some starter Pokemon will have a greater presence during the event, too, alongside a series of curated raids cosmetics, and both Shadow and Shiny Pokemon appearances.
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The new Charizard and Charmeleon variants that’ll appear from July 6th to July 12th are ones which wear party hats to celebrate the game’s anniversary. Not to be left out even though the focus is on Charizard, Pikachu will also be getting yet another variant and will be wearing a cake costume at times throughout the event.
“Party Hat Charmeleon, Party Hat Charizard, and Cake Costume Pikachu will make their Pokรฉmon GO debuts!” Niantic said about the event. “This is also the first time Trainers will be able to evolve their Party Hat Charmanders! If you’re lucky, you may even encounter Shiny Party Hat Charmeleon and Shiny Party Hat Charizard!”
A couple of other iconic Pokemon like Bulbasaur, Charmander (with a party hat), Squirtle, and Pikachu among others will be found more during wild encounters. Some of their evolutions will be featured in event raids, and the first three along with other starters like Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Chespin, Fennekin Froakie, Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio can all be encountered via the completion of Field Research tasks.
Aside from those extra encounters, Niantic also said it’ll be adding things like cake costumes to the shop, too, for players to equip alongside their newly caught Pikachu. A Battle Weekend scheduled to run from July 9th to July 10th will feature bonuses like increased amounts of Team GO Rocket balloons, Stardust, and other incentives like the chance to encounter Shadow variants of Geodude, Shinx, Purrloin, and others.
Pokemon Go’s anniversary event is scheduled to begin on July 6th and will run from then until July 12th.