Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is letting players capture four generations of Starter Pokemon in the wild.
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Last year, Pokemon Sun and Moon introduced the Island Scan system as a way for players to “find” Pokemon by scanning QR codes. When a player scanned 10 QR codes using the game’s scanner, they could unlock an “Island Scan” that would show players the location of certain Pokemon that weren’t otherwise catchable in the game.
Which Pokemon the Island Scan found depends on the Island scanned in the game, as well as the day of the week. For example, scanning Melemele Island on Monday would result in a different Pokemon appearing than scanning Melemele Island on Tuesday.
Pokemon Sun and Moon‘s Island Scans let players catch Pokemon like Chikorita, Totodile, and Cyndaquil in the wild for the first time ever, but now the feature is letting players capture even more popular Pokemon in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. For the first time ever, players can now capture Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle in the wild.
Here’s a list of all the new Island Scan Pokemon, along with their locations and the day they’ll be available:
Melemele Island:
Charmander (Sunday, Route 3)
Squirtle (Monday, Seaward Cave)
Onix (Tuesday, Ten Carat Hill)
Horsea (Wednesday, Kala’e Bay)
Scatterbug (Thursday, Hau’oli City)
Bulbasaur (Friday, Route 2)
Litwick (Saturday, Hau’oli Cemetery)
Akala Island:
Ralts (Sunday, Route 6)
Spheal (Monday, Route 7)
Combusken (Tuesday, Route 8)
Honedge (Wednesday, Akala Outskirts)
Beedrill (Thursday, Route 4)
Grovyle (Friday, Route 5)
Marshtomp (Saturday, Brooklet Hill)
Ula’ula Island
Rhyhorn (Sunday, Blush Mountain)
Swinub (Monday, Tapu Village)
Prinlup (Tuesday, Route 16)
Grotle (Wednesday, Ula’ula Meadow)
Pidgeot (Thursday, Route 10)
Monferno (Friday, Route 11)
Axew (Saturday, Mount Hokulani)
Poni Island
Elektross (Sunday, Poni Grove)
Aggron (Monday, Poni Plains)
Rotom (Tuesday, Poni Gauntlet)
Leavanny (Wednesday, Poni Meadow)
Chesnaught (Thursday, Exeggutor Island)
Greninja (Friday, Poni Wilds)
Delphox (Saturday, Ancient Poni Path)