Razer Headset Saves Gamer's Life After Stopping Bullet

A Razer Kraken headset stopped a bullet recently and appears to have saved the life of the gamer wearing it, the Kraken owner said this week in some now viral posts. Redditor and gamer Enough_Dance_956 shared their account on the Razer subreddit along with pictures of the damaged headset and proof of the incident they recounted. It appears they also got in touch with Razer to thank them afterwards with Razer reportedly sending them a headset to replace the bullet-deflecting one.

The images below were shared by the Redditor wherein they showed the Razer headset with a hole in it which was said to be caused by the bullet in question. Additional images shared showed the bullet's trajectory through their window, and in follow-up posts and comments, the user provided more proof of the incident as well as their attempts to get in touch with someone at Razer to thank them for the quality of the headset.

"Hello to everyone who sees this. I'm trying to get a hold of someone at razer to thank them with all my heart," Enough_Dance_956 said on Reddit. "Wednesday morning at 10:30am a stray bullet went through my window and hit the razer headphones on top of my head. If it wasn't for the headphones made with good quality I would've been a dead kid at the age of 18. I couldn't even imagine all the pain my family and friends would've been through."

Razer saved my life….. from razer

Though this post went up right around April Fools' Day, the person sharing the images and the context assured people that the incident was real and wasn't made up. Another post shared by the user afterwards showed some additional photos including one of the bullet itself which they said was picked up by police soon after a report was filed.

Various Razer accounts commented on the post and wished the user well while offering to message the Redditor to take care of any lingering concerns. While the user said they just wanted to thank Razer for the quality of the headset and the protection it provided, many people within the forum pushed Razer to send a replacement headset. In a separate post, the Redditor said that they had indeed gotten a new headset from Razer within the week.