
Red Dead Online Update Released, Here’s What’s New

Red Dead Online’s latest weekly update has been detailed by Rockstar Games, and with this newest […]

Red Dead Online’s latest weekly update has been detailed by Rockstar Games, and with this newest update comes some more Legendary Animals and additional content for players. Two new Legendary Moose have been added to the game with different rewards available for players who can either take them down or sample them depending on how you’re progressing through the Naturalist role. Regardless of what you decided to do with the moose, every player can also look forward to some discounts and bonuses available for a limited time.

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The addition of new Legendary Animals has become a common theme in the weekly updates for Red Dead Online, and this week is no different. Added this week are the Snowflake Moose and Knight Moose animals which can be hunted or tracked for different rewards. The Snowflake Moose is found in the snowy areas near Barrow Lagoon while the Knight Moose can be located near the northern parts of the Kamassa River.

Once you find the beasts, you can either sedate them to take a sample or just kill them outright to skin them and earn a unique reward. For those who choose the more peaceful option, you’ll get an offer for 30% off of a weapon of your choice. Seeing how there are two different moose to hunt and how you can get the offer twice, that’s a pretty good deal for those who’ve been eyeing a weapon or two for their collections.

If you want style over function and just want some unique cosmetics from the Legendary Animals, you can hunt them and turn the pelts into Gus’ Trapper Store to get what he’s offering. Selling them to Gus will unlock crafting recipes for two new sets of garments, and if you get the pelts to him between now and October 5th, you’ll get 50% more profits for your troubles.

Whether you’re planning on hunting the beasts or not, you can expect some additional bonuses to be available this week. Playing the game between now and October 5th will net you a bundle of different arrows at no charge while players can take advantage of 50% off all tonics, 50% off all thrown weapons, and 30% off all pamphlets and pistols as well as the Improved Bow this week.