'Red Dead Redemption 3' Is a Possibility, Says Rockstar Games

In less than two weeks, we’ll see the glorious return of the Red Dead Redemption franchise with [...]

In less than two weeks, we'll see the glorious return of the Red Dead Redemption franchise with the long-awaited sequel. And it sounds like it's going to have a ton of content packed in. But even with all the effort going into Red Dead 2, there's always the chance that the story could continue onward.

Red Dead

In a lengthy interview with Vulture that posted a little while ago, Rockstar studio co-founder Dan Houser explained that Red Dead Redemption 3 is very much a possibility, but it really depends on how the sales of Red Dead 2 perform. He says as long as they do "well enough," then there's a heavy possibility.

He noted that, despite the huge level of content that Red Dead 2 has, the team does have a sequel in them "if this one does well enough and we think we have other interesting things to say."

The sales side of the game should have no trouble dominating, as the sequel has been highly anticipated since the original game released several years ago. And with the launch of a Red Dead Online component coming next month, players should be coming back for more, just as they did for the GTA Online equivalent for Grand Theft Auto V.

So that just leaves a question, then -- what could the team do for a third game? Well, it really depends on what Red Dead 2 puts in place. We already know how events unfold in Red Dead Redemption, so this prequel has to build a foundation that could set up the possibility of a third game. Considering that Rockstar has one heck of a storytelling team on their hands, there's no doubt they could do this.

That said, it'll probably be a good while before we even see Red Dead 3 stories make the rounds. Rockstar is putting all its attention into Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online, so needless to say, we'll see how those components perform first.

But, yes, the more Red Dead, the better, please.

Red Dead Redemption 2 releases on October 26 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. We'll continue to provide coverage leading up to the game's release!