Renfield Movie Gets Surprise Tie-In Video Game

Renfield has gotten a surprise new video game tie-in called Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood. Renfield is a brand new film and comedic twist on the iconic Bram Stoker story of Dracula. It's one of the most anticipated films of the spring due in part to the fact it stars Nicolas Cage as the aforementioned legendary vampire, a role that many feel he was born to play in this context. While he has played a vampire before, there's no vampire quite like Dracula, especially not one that is hunting Renfield down like a toxic ex from a relationship that has lasted decades. 

With all of that said, a surprise video game tie-in has been released and it's called Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood. It's available in early access right now on Steam and costs $4.99 with plans to support the game with free updates throughout the summer. Players are tasked by Dracula to do his bidding in a rougelite experience. Those who enjoy games like Vampire Survivor will probably find it very familiar as it appears to take inspiration from games just like that, allowing for chaotic, frenetic, violent gameplay with a plethora of weapons at your disposal.

"Our team is so excited to bring our expertise in fun, retro-style games that are filled with wild humor to the amazing world of Renfield," said James Deighan, Founder of developer Mega Cat Studios. "It's an incredible opportunity for us to be working on this with Skybound and Universal Games and Digital Platforms."

As of right now, it remains to be seen what exactly will be added in the aforementioned updates. It's unclear if they will release any content that ties in more directly with the events of the film following its release or if there's something else up the developer's sleeve. Either way, it's a fun and cheap little bonus for those who are excited for the upcoming film.

Renfield releases in theaters on Friday, April 14th. What do you think of the new video game tie-in? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.