During a recent episode of Saturday Night Live, the show and comedian Eddie Murphy seemingly threw shade on the Sonic the Hedgehog movie, or more specifically its original trailer and original Sonic design, which, as you may remember, was so hated that Paramount actually delayed the movie in order to correct it. The shade came during a skit dubbed Holiday Baking Championship, which featured “contestants” Eddie Murphy, Kyle Mooney, Heidi Gardner, and Cecily Strong on a baking competition show and presenting their holiday-themed confections to a panel of “judges,” represented by Aidy Bryant, Ego Nwodim, and Beck Bennett.
Videos by ComicBook.com
For his part, Eddie Murphy made a Sonic the Hedgehog-themed cake, or at least that was the intention. The final product was nearly as abominable as the movie’s original Sonic design. You may think this was a jab by itself, but for added measure, the show gave the Sonic cake human teeth, which is very obviously playing on the human teeth of the original design that everyone loathed. In fact, it was the only time the Internet ever — in the history of the Internet — collectively agreed on something.
Thereโs modern Sonic, classic Sonic, boom Sonic, movie Sonic v1, movie Sonic v2, and now thereโs SNL Cake Sonic
Surprisingly looks better than the first movie Sonic ๐คฃ pic.twitter.com/8Gf2jfi5Wu
โ KJ Williams ๐ (@TriptychLCA) December 22, 2019
SNL got the early version of the Sonic The Hedgehog movie design pretty accurate. pic.twitter.com/xDpgjuQUBM
โ Son of Karas (with Razzleberry Dressing) (@QuandaryMan) December 22, 2019
Sonic the Hedgehog is set to premiere on February 14, 2020, also known as Valentines Day. For more news, rumors, leaks, media, and information on the movie be sure to peep all of our previous and all of our extensive coverage of the film by clicking right here. In the most recent and related news, this week a new teaser trailer was revealed. You can watch it right here.
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