Shovel Knight Gets an Incredible Anime Opening Sequence

Shovel Knight is going full-on anime. YouTube duo Channy & Kimberly have produced an incredible [...]

Shovel Knight is going full-on anime. YouTube duo Channy & Kimberly have produced an incredible anime opening to a Shovel Knight show that will, tragically, probably never exist. The video just went live this morning and has already started taking off. Check it out above.

Shovel Knight fans will see a lot of familiar faces here. Shovel Knight himself shows up with his two trademark attacks, and ends up squaring off with Black Knight. We see Plague Knight with his trusty bombs, but sadly there's no sign of Mona. Mole Knight also makes a brief appearance, and even the Troupple King gets a little time in the limelight.

You can tell that this video was made with a lot of love from true fans of the series. It's noted in the YouTube description that the video was made to celebrate Shovel Knight's third anniversary.

If this is the first time that you've seen a video produced by Channy & Kimberly, we heartily recommend you check out their channel and watch a few more videos. There are many more anime openings and commercials focused on various games and nerd-culture icons. Check out this bizarre (and hilarious) Lon Lon Milk commercial produced to celebrate the impending release of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild:

It makes us wish that these two wold commit to making some king of mini series in their flagship style. Shovel Knight would be a great game to focus on for that kind of thing, since it has such a comicbook-style narrative which lends itself to a little creative license. Every member of The Order of No Quarter has their own unique personality, and there is some seriously dark and fascinating lore behind the series as a whole.

Would you watch a Shovel Knight anime series? Let us know!