In the first Sonic the Hedgehog film, Jim Carrey’s take on Dr. Robotnik does not immediately resemble the version that appeared in the Sega Genesis games. However, by the end of the movie, Robotnik is stranded on a mushroom-filled planet, where he shaves his head, and has his iconic mustache, setting up his appearance in Sonic the Hedgehog 2. In a new interview with’s Chris Killian, Carrey discusses the evolution of Robotnik’s movie design, and whether or not viewers might see the villain start to take on a more rounded look. Unfortunately, it seems that version of Robotnik will remain contained to the games!
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“I’ve been lobbying for the fat Eggman, the big Eggman, for a while, but apparently they wanted to show the audience how imperfect my actual body is. So, I’ve done that now, so you never know,” said Carrey. “But yeah, there’s so much fun with the look of this character. I really wanted to start veering towards ‘let’s do the guy that they’re used to seeing.’ That mustache is an outward manifestation of ego. He shaves his head on the mushroom planet ’cause that’s loser hair. That’s the hair that lost the battle, man.”
While Carrey initially seemed like an unusual choice to portray Sonic’s nemesis, the actor has clearly embraced the role, bringing Dr. Robotnik to life in a way that works quite well. A third Sonic the Hedgehog movie has already been announced by Paramount, and a series centered on Knuckles the Echidna is also set to release on Paramount+. At this time, it’s unclear whether Carrey will return in either of these projects, but it seems like the actor has a lot of love for the villain. Hopefully, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 won’t be the last we see of the villain!
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is set to arrive intheaters on April 8th. Until then, readers can check out all of ourprevious coverage of the film right here.
Are you looking forward to Sonic the Hedgehog 2? What do you think of Robotnik’s evolution in the films? Let usknow inthe comments orshare your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!