The live-action animated Sonic the Hedgehog movie from Paramount Pictures is poised to release this November, yet we haven’t gotten a proper look at the star of the movie yet: Sonic.
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We’ve gotten teases here and there, but nothing substantial, and nothing that offers up a definitive look at how the blue Hedgehog will look in the upcoming live-action animated film. However, our best look at the character yet may have just been discovered today.
Hamagami/Carroll, a marketing firm, recently posted a couple of images on its website showing off a great look at the character’s design, head-to-toe.
According to the website, it created packaging “for all of the licensed retail products within the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise,” which explains why it has these images in the first place.
Breaking: According to documents obtained by the ResetEra board, we now have a first look at movie Sonic’s design in the upcoming #SonicMovie. Developing… #SonicNews
โ Tails’ Channel – Sonic News & Sonic News &… (@TailsChannel) March 4, 2019
The following blurb accompanies the images, which have since been taken down:
“You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone in the world who isn’t familiar with SEGA’s beloved IP, Sonic the Hedgehog,” writes Hamagami/Carroll. “But global reverence does come with a unique price. In creating a licensing and packaging program to be used worldwide and to be applied against targeting multiple audience demographics, it was necessary to strike a balance between staying true to the Sonic brand, while appealing to a global audience, and differentiating from previous Sonic merchandise packaging.
“The challenge of creating a global licensing and packaging program targeted to multiple demographics came with several strategic requirements: 1) signal a new modern take on the brand without abandoning its core essence, 2) appeal to a worldwide audience and 3) clearly differentiate from previous merchandising efforts.
“Our approach was to create a system that was versatile and modular, so that various Sonic IPs including Classic Sonic, Modern Sonic, Film Sonic, Animation Sonic, and other events could be integrated seamlessly within the baseline packaging look.”
Sonic the Hedgehog is poised to release in theaters on November 8, 2019.
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Thanks, Wario64.