Sony Isn’t Giving Up On Portable Gaming

For a while there, Sony was serious about the portable gaming market. It had the PlayStation [...]

PS Vita

For a while there, Sony was serious about the portable gaming market. It had the PlayStation Portable, which performed suitably well on the market; but then came the PS Vita, which introduced more advanced games on both the AAA and indie front.

But then Sony dropped support for the handheld like a shot, leaving third-party games and indie titles to leave it alive for a while longer. And while it seems like the company has given up on the Vita, that doesn't mean it's giving up on the portable market altogether. Quite the opposite, actually.

During an industry meeting this week, John Kodera, who serves as the head of the PlayStation division, noted in an interview with Bloomberg that the company is taking a close look at what it can do with portable gaming once more.

"In my opinion, rather than separating portable gaming from consoles, it's necessary to continue thinking of it as one method to deliver more gaming experiences and exploring what our customers want from portable. We want to think about many options," he explained.

The company might be taking a close look at the rampant success of Nintendo's Switch system, which has sold millions of units since its release and offers a "best of both worlds" experience with home and portable gaming.

Kodera didn't note just what the company was doing next, as he said it's not "the right stage to discuss specific hardware plans." But it could really go a number of ways.

There's talk that Sony could be considering a PlayStation hybrid along the same lines as the Switch; but there's also word that the company could give the Vita another push in some form, though that option may not be likely as it's currently only popular in the Japanese market.

E3 could paint a clearer picture as there's always a chance that the company could tease what's ahead on the portable horizon alongside its first-party line-up of games. But for now it sounds like it's putting a lot of thought into what it wants to do next so that it crushes it this time around, instead of letting it fade away as the Vita has.

We'll see what happens in just a few weeks' time!