Greater Than Games has launched the crowdfunding campaign for the next expansion of the settler destruction game Spirit Island. The BackerKit crowdfunding campaign for Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate launched earlier this month, offering players 8 new spirits to help keep various colonists from building and expanding upon their island. Nature Incarnate also offers up a new mechanic – Incarna, which creates a physical presence for a Spirit on the island for the very first time.
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Spirit Island is the immensely popular cooperative board game about nature spirits who work in conjunction with the indigenous people of an island to push settlers off the island. Each spirit has its own innate powers that grow over time as they add their Presence to the board, which is represented by special tokens. The settlers move in a pre-determined pattern, exploring areas, then settling them, then finally building cities. While destroying cities takes more power than wiping out a sole explorer, players gain more Fear for wiping out larger settlements, which helps players win the game. If an island has suffered too much blight from settlers, the players ultimately lose the game.
To date, Greater Than Games has released three expansions for Spirit Island, each of which has added its own unique mechanics and different spirits to try out.
A base pledge for Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate cost $55, while higher level pledges are available for those looking for premium components or past expansions of the game. To date, the crowdfunding campaign has raised over $818,000 with over two weeks remaining.
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