
Splatoon 2 Setting Sales Records In Japan

Nintendo has done a wondrous job supporting players of Splatoon 2 with Splatfest events and new […]

Nintendo has done a wondrous job supporting players of Splatoon 2 with Splatfest events and new content – and now it’s paying back in spades, as the company is setting sales records with the game in Japan.

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Sure, in the U.S. it’s doing big business as well, with millions of copies sold, but in Japan, it’s actually become the company’s biggest Japanese hit in almost a decade.

Based on sales numbers reported for the first week of January, the game has managed to sell over two million copies, with physical and digital sales combined. As a result, Nintendo has its biggest hit in the country since Wii Party released back in 2010.

The game has also helped the system sell well in Japan as well, selling 159,000 units for the first week over the PlayStation 4’s 103,000 units.

Nintendo has been handily promoting the game since its release, with multiple concerts featuring characters from the game (like the one in the video below), as well as other special events to keep players excited about shooting the paint around.

And this excitement is likely to build in 2018, as Nintendo has even more content planned for the game. It hasn’t broken down a schedule yet, but we’re likely to hear what’s coming up next within the next few weeks.

For now, though, if you haven’t played Splatoon 2 yet, you might want to fix that. It’s a party that no good gaming fan should be without.

Matthew Hayes reviewed the game this past July, noting, “Y’all need to come stay a while; swim with the locals; become familiar with the brands, weapons, rites, and rituals that make this kaleidoscopic world turn. If you’re willing to do that, then I think you’ll find that Splatoon 2 offers a competitive and cooperative escape unlike any game you’ve ever played. It’s a chromatic, multicolored masterpiece, and a sensory rush worth indulging in.”

Splatoon 2 is available now for Nintendo Switch.