
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Sequel Title Reportedly Revealed

At long last, a new report seems to have revealed what the sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will be called. For a period of multiple months by now, we’ve heard that Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment wouldn’t opt to call the forthcoming game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2. And while we didn’t previously know what the game’s new subtitle would be, it looks like we’ve now found out ahead of an official announcement. 

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According to video game industry reporter Jeff Grubb, the Fallen Order sequel is going to specifically be called Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Grubb revealed this information in the latest episode of his video series Grubbsnax with Giant Bomb. Grubb didn’t go on to say anything else about why this name was chosen in the first place, but he seemingly only confirmed that this would be the title after his chat happened to guess it for themselves. 

Speaking more about the game in a general sense, Grubb went on to say that Respawn and EA are only planning to release Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC. This is somewhat expected given that the game will be launching roughly two years into the latest console cycle, but it only seems to reaffirm that those on PS4 and Xbox One will have to look to upgrade soon if they want to play the latest Star Wars title. 

Lastly, Grubb also stated that Star Wars Jedi: Survivor isn’t going to launch until some point in 2023. Again, this isn’t a shock because earlier this week, EA itself said that it would be releasing a “partner title” of some sort in the first quarter of next year. Many assumed that this game in question was Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, which would indicate that the project is set to launch at some point between January and March 2023. 

What are your thoughts on the name Star Wars Jedi: Survivor? Are you a fan of this title for the upcoming sequel, or could Respawn have chosen something better? Let me know either down in the comments or reach out on Twitter at @MooreMan12.