Stardew Valley Creator Reveals Why Update 1.6 Is Taking Longer for Consoles

Barone says he's working as fast as possible to release the Stardew update.

Stardew Valley designer Eric "ConcernedApe" Barone has revealed why Update 1.6 for the game is taking so long to release on consoles and mobile devices. Back in March, patch 1.6 first went live for Stadew Valley, but only for PC. Since that time, those who play the farming sim across PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and mobile have been wondering when the update will go live on their platform of choice. Now, Barone has shared more context about what the holdup is and has let fans know that they'll have to keep being patient. 

In a message shared to X (or Twitter) today, Barone said that he is doing "everything within my power" to get Update 1.6 for Stardew Valley on consoles. However, he made clear that the console versions of this patch require a bit more work to be done before they can be released. Outside of this, Barone said that he's also trying to develop another patch for the PC iteration of Stardew Valley which is leading to further delays. 

"I know that the console and mobile players are eager to play 1.6, and I am doing everything within my power to have the ports ready as soon as possible," Barone said in his post. "The ports require extra work beyond the PC version. There is also another patch for PC underway which is mainly some bug fixes."

At the time of this writing, Barone hasn't committed to a release window of any sort for Update 1.6 of Stardew Valley on consoles. In all likelihood, this patch won't hit other platforms until Barone feels as though he's rectified all of the issues that are currently found on the PC iteration. To date, six additional updates for Stardew Valley have come about on PC since patch 1.6 initially went live nearly two months ago.

To go along with all of this ongoing work on Stardew Valley, Barone also continues to developer Haunted Chocolatier, which is his next project. However, prior to Update 1.6 being released, Baroned made clear that he was setting Haunted Chocolatier aside for the time being to focus on Stardew. Whether or not he gets back to working on the highly-anticipated follow-up to Stardew Valley in the months ahead remains to be seen.