Stardew Valley Creator Teases New Game After Haunted Chocolatier Announcement

Stardew Valley creator Eric Barone revealed his latest game, Haunted Chocolatier, just a few days back. In a general sense, the game very much resembles that of Stardew Valley and sees players controlling a chocolatier that lives in a "haunted castle." And while this might sound exciting enough on its own, Barone also teased this week that Haunted Chocolatier is not the only new project that he has in the works at this moment. 

As mentioned by Barone on the official Haunted Chocolatier website, it was said that another game from the famed creator is currently in the pipeline as well. While Barone didn't offer up any specific details about this second project, he suggested that it's likely much further out than that of Haunted Chocolatier. "It's actually not the first or only 'new project' I've been working on, but it's the one that I believe I will finish first," Barone said of Chocolatier

Speaking to how far along Haunted Chocolatier might be, Barone stressed that the game is still in its early stages. "I started working on this game a little over 1 year ago, in 2020. Since then, I've been working on it mostly in evenings and on the weekends, because I'm still actively working on Stardew Valley related things," Barone said. Because the game is still so early on in development, whatever this secondary project might be is surely even further away from being revealed. As such, we likely shouldn't expect to see it announced any time in the near future, assuming it even sees the light of day at all. 

When it comes to Haunted Chocholatier specifically, Barone also didn't commit to a release window of any sort just yet. Additionally, he has also only said that PC will be the sole platform that the game comes to for certain. However, a release on other platforms should be likely, although Barone isn't committing to specifics just yet.

How do you feel about the creator of Stardew Valley working on so many new projects at once? And what are your initial impressions of Haunted Chocolatier? Let me know either down in the comments or hit me up over on Twitter at @MooreMan12.